INS will "die" on January 24th


Registered Users (C)
Updated 01/04/03: DHS Organization Chart

In January 24, 2003, current INS will be reorganized into the DHS in the following manner: Current adjudication functions in the Service Centers and local field offices will be transferred to the Director, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Chart. Current enforcement functions including investigation units, deportation units, immigration inspectors, and border patrols will be transferred to the Bureau of Border Security under the Directorate, Border & Transportation Security. The Bureau of Border Security will be headed by Assistant Secretary who has yet to be named. Directorate of Border & Transportation Security will be headed by Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson. As seen in the Chart, immigration services director will report directly to the Deputy Secretary.
DHS will be led by the Secretary, one Deputy Secretary, 5 Undersecretaries, number of Assistant Secretaries, each reporting to the officer of one level up. Rumor goes the current Acting Commioner of INS, Michael Garcia, may be named for one of these positions, but assuming that the information is reliable, it is unknown whether he will be named for Director of Citizenship & Immigration Services or Assistant Secretary of Border Security. He is from enforcement background.
Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the DHS will not be born until January 24, 2003.

Anyone of you who get his EAD or approval before 1/24 consider
himself lucky. My EAD 90th day on 1/21. I will see if will I be with the lucky.
RD: 10/21/02
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You are welcome. I do stand to correct myself in that I wish you to be one of the fortunate ones, not one of the lucky.


Fatmah Louise