INS should send all 9/01-12/01 applicants for interview and move on with 2002 applicants.


Registered Users (C)
Why? Here is the reason:
New I-485 applicants (01/2002-current) are the survival of the fittest. They survived the economic downturn. They didnot get pink slip yet for their superior ability. And I am sure a lot of ppl from 9/01 to 12/01 applicants doesnot even have a job offer now. and to be worse, their employer may not interested to hire them for future job because of economy is still unstable. So the best way to know is the local interview. This will find
1. the survivor who has a job or atleast a job offer.
2. looser leave the ring (like pateintGC, futuregreen, ric2 etc)
3. faster processing for the future applicants.

Now ppl, my assumptions may hurt you, but dont start with slang word. Use your brain and oppose me.
what\'s the problem with your fucking head.

Maybe you do not have a job now. Just looks at the way you are \'talking\', nobody is more stupid than you. what a damn shit you are! You even confused "rock" with "rocket"! What does your favorite slogan "VSC rocks" mean?

I am very surprised that someone as stupid as you can get a job! Maybe you are self-employed or exploited by a pimp to sell your cheap body for $10 a session.
Habib you are approved !!

It seems that based on your postings here INS has decided to appoint a special officer for your case to make sure that you are mentally capable of receiving the GC. Please call this number as soon as possible to get your GC "through" the sky. 1-800-F**K-HABIB
No Title

you seem to have got pinkslip do you or someone from your family slept with INS commissoner to know this much about INS processing .Watch out buddy you will caught and fingerprinted and deported back to your country unless you change your name .

What\'s wrong with you @##hole
haha.. I know who doesnot have even a job offer from the response.

Well I might email INS and propose them that some of my fellow freind is cheating the system. Th best solution is call them in the nearest INS office and check their current status. I have no problem.. why you have? Are you scared? Are you fired? Why?? Tell me... If you are that damn good.. show it. Lets go to the local INS office and show our eligibility. Specaially for ric2. this guy is so nervous now a days... I wish a RFE for job letter for ric2.
You guys are walking right into his trap.

Why care to even post a message for his. It is so funny. This guy posts something like this opnce in a while and has fun while everyone is yelling at him. Just ignore him friends. Be cool. He has a weird way of having fun. Do not encourage. :)
Guys just stop replying to his messages

Guys, This guy is just trying to irritate every one here and getting some kind of sick pleasure when people curse him. I think we all should just ignore his messages and discuss more important issues. His postings are not doing any good to any of us any ways and VSC is not going to send all 9/01 to 12/01 to local centers so just ignore this guy and let him get his sick pleasures through self amusement.
Absolutely, INS does not act upon his words.

People, so just ignore him and do not give him the pleasure he is seeking. Deprive him of that.

Habib1 as far as I know Habib means a dear one, atleast live up to your handle.

you call yourself Habib and prove to be the most Irritating person around here.

And I really want to know what is your problem with July filers???
habib1 - you are exactly right

But it would be even better to get \'fittest @$$e$\' like yours to come down to local INS office and award them with GC for having survived this economic slowdown, asap. Unfortunately, his ain\'t happening - just yet. What may soon become reality though is people like yo having to take your @$$e$ for FPing.
I don\'t know why I am even posting under this thread but what the heck, its friday.
Well ppl. dont check my posting...

Who says sending old timers for interview will not help? It will help new applicants and future new comers. Anything can happen this country. All I have to tell INS that it will be better for them if they send all applicants for interview for getting the real one. Not the fake one with fake degree from india or who only had 3 months course work and shows like a big scientist. They must have to find nuronal dysfuntional ppl like ric2 who lost his job in december and still sleeping with his male dog.. yaakk..

INS may not take my advice or informations but definitely I will inform. Normal candidate who has a job, dont need to be worry.