INS says FP fees not received


Registered Users (C)
We recently applied for our I-485, AP, and EAD at TSC for my wife and myself. Two checks each of $255, $50 & $120 were sent.

Shortly afterwards we got notice stating that Finger printing fees for Main beneficiary hadn't been received. The ND was 10/21. My lawyers sent INS a letter on 10/29 stating that the fees had been sent and enclosed photocopies of checks. INS cashed the checks on 10/24. A month later the lawyer sent them another letter with copies of cancelled checks.

Now it's two months since notice date and the telephonic status for me still says that fees hadn't been received. My wife’s status is normal.

How worried should I be about this? Is it as simple as someone forgetting to change the message back to normal or is it more serious? I believe EAD is a separate process and won't be affected by it. How would this affect on 485 and AP?

Thanks in Advance
Something like this happened with me too - from Vermont Center. I am principal applicant (ND Aug 01 2002) and for my wife they are still saying insufficient amount is sent for FP. But then we received the Notice which mentions amount is received in full. However, the status on telephone and INS site says amount not received.

I talked to IIO which lateron confirmed having amount received and I should ignore.

We talked to attorney - she said we have to wait four months then they can make fax inquiry (lucky you ! your attorney sent it in a week's time !!!). We have made one inquiry and waiting for results.

However, we did receive AP and EAD. Hopefully you should get those too - wait till Jan 15 or so.. My FP is done long back, however, my wife's notice not yet received.

We are too becoming kind of impatient about the things !
Any idea to anyone how long this kind of things need to be resolved !
In Sufficent FP fee


I also got similar situavation.My wife got FP Notice recently , but I didn't get. when I check the status it saying insufficent Finger print fee.
I talk with my lawyer, they check the records saying everything is week back they send a letter to INS for enquire abt my status so far no reply

Exactly the same problem. (WAC-02-271-5xxx). My wife got FP notice within 2 weeks of filing but I have not received it having same message (Insufficient fee for FP ........). I lawyer spoke to IIO and they said they have received the fee. But I have still (more than 4 months now) not received my FP noticed. My Lawyer sent another fax enquiry but no action so far. I am in fix and don't know what to do. My Attorney is asking me just to wait. Any advice highly appreciated. Will it slow down my I-485 processing?
Exactly the same problem. (WAC-02-271-5xxx). My wife got FP notice within 2 weeks of filing but I have not received it having same message (Insufficient fee for FP ........). I lawyer spoke to IIO and they said they have received the fee. But I have still (more than 4 months now) not received my FP noticed. My Lawyer sent another fax enquiry but no action so far. I am in fix and don't know what to do. My Attorney is asking me just to wait. Any advice highly appreciated. Will it slow down my I-485 processing? :mad: