INS needs some rest


Registered Users (C)
We are expecting too much from INS. They also need some rest too. They have been working sooooooo hard approved 10 cases only in 2 months. No one can work at this pace but INS people. The reason is that INS is one sort of breed that is trained to work with 200% + efficiency under adverse circumstances.
One example is

The holiday season has started and still their website is up and running. They updated their website and after 6 months of rigrous hardwork and giving 200%+ efficiency they have been able to move I 140 date from Oct 15 to Oct 28.

They are not machines. They are human. They need to rest also. So, finally, stop checking your statuses for 1 1/2 month. 15 days stop period, 15 days vacation period and 15 days for start up.
Please discuss and looking forward for your opinion and views on it.