Ins Medical Question? Please Help!!!!


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hi i\'am planning to go for my medical for aos next week. my wife an i dont want to get any vaccinations as we are planning a family and my wife\'s obgyn has advised us not to take them.
guys if we dont take the vaccinations will the ins-vsc send us a rfe\'s.

please help!!!

thanks a lot.
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My wife didn\'t take any vacination, since she was pregnant. The paper work was done without vacination. According to INS doctors she should not get any RFE\'s for vacination at a later date.
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ranjan thanks for your reply.

in my case my wife is not pregnant. according to my wifes obgyn if she takes the vacinations she cannot get pregnant for atleast six months and we dont want to do that. did you take the vacinations or not.

please help!!!
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HI I-140,

DO you have a record of vaccinations for you and wife? If you have a record of what vaccinations you had taken and when, you do not have take vaccination agian. Otherwise, vaccinations are a must and INS medical examiner will make a remark about the vaccinations in his/her report. This might trigger a RFE. But under certain circumstances, like pregnancy or religious belief etc, you can avoid vaccinations. Otherwise, they do expect you to take vaccinations. I did take vaccination for chicken pox.
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I don\'t know whether INS would accept that answer. I had my vacination, that should not matter. Try getting a letter from the doctor giving your reason for not taking vacination. Basically check with any INS doctor for such clarification(no need to get appointment for clarification), they should be able to help you with an answer whether ok or not-ok. If you get a chance call IIO(my thinking is experienced INS doctor is better than IIO\'s).
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yes i have a letter from my doctor in india stating that i have taken all the required vacinations. most of the ins doctors in nj i have spoken to say that we must take the vacinations so that they can make more money.

do you know of any ins doctor in nj. also is it posssible for me to get my medical done from ny as i work in ny. the doctor in ny says that till the time i have vacinations records from my doctor i dont need new vacinations.

please help!!!!
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If you have a record stating the vaccinations and the date on which you had taken them, then I do not think that they should insist on you taking vaccinations again. I had to take only the chicken pox, since I did not have a record showing that I had taken chicken pox vaccination.

So far as I know, you can get your medical done from any doctor approved by INS. Therefore, I think you can have your medical done at NY.
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I know MMR(Mums Measles and Ruebella)(not sure if I spelt them correct) causes you to stop planning for 3 months. We came to know when we went for our vaccinations.
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I had my medical examinations done we are also in the same boat.But my INS doctor asked to get a letter from the doctor stating that.My doctor advised not to take MMR in a written note and advised to take TD.So , we produced it to INS doctor and everything went well.
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I myself and a friend of mine were in the same boat. Both got RFE. VSC will send an RFE. So if possible **don\'t** send a medical report with any issues like this. You have 2 choices:

1. take it light for those 3 months
2. be ready for vaccination when you get the RFE. RFE will cost u about one more month then it what it would take othrewise.

- Been there done that
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yadayada thanks for your reply.
can you tell me which ins doctor did you go to?
also did you get a letter from your doctor here or from india?
also can you give the format of the letter so that i can get it from my doctor here.

thanks for all your help.
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Certificate of professional care

This is to certify that aaaa is under my care and that Mrs aaaa is trying to conceive and has been advised not to get the xxxxxx vaccinations.If you have any questions please call the above number.

I got it done here. Why dont you call your PCP and explain they will give you. I got the INS examination in Alexandria. Talk to your INS approved doctor.
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I am in the same boat as you are .. My wife was advised not to take vaccination by INS approved doc. Will I get an RFE or not ..
