INS in Disarray?

Does it mean no more Green Cards?

Does it mean no more Green Cards?
Or just a huge slow down?

P.S. I curse my employer and his loyer
and theit greediness for money and slaves.

This really sucks. Looks like it will take years before things come back normal. ANy idea when INS will go under Homeland?

Few months before things will come to a halt and may stabilize months after the reorg is over. :eek:

Looks like we will be on this board for yrs to come.

I used to be optimistic, after Sep11 everything sucks.

Z :mad:
you guys are worrying too much

The same employees, at the same desks with the same files
and the same computers.

Different Boss.

The bigger changes will come over time. Switching Ziglar for
Tom Ridge or whoever should not result in a complete halt.

I hope not anyways