INS and voluntary work


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Can we go to VSC and do some voluntary work for them?

Can we help them clear up their corrupted databases?
Can we help them regularise their AVM?
Can we take some load off IIOs and offer better information to callers?Can we scan their database and let them know the list of backlogged cases?
Can we go and help them sort out their files and find the missing files?
Can I help too !

Yeah, I like to help too. Can I help VSC to get my gc approved ? I can do that whithin few seconds !
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Moron like you are always going to talk about such things ! As if you are some great scientist and Mathematician......if you knew 2+3 = 5 doesn\'t mean you are genius......if you knew how to type and made few entries to database doesn\'t mean you are IS guru.....

I am probably coming from where you are coming from...... Why the hell America has the greatest universities in the world ? Why the hell do you think richest people in the world come to America to seek medical help.....why the hell AMerican Stock market drives the world economy ??

Foolish pin heads like you will be unable to understand that. It requires much more than knowing 2+3=5 or stereo type education.....

Why should we escape our country ? No choice ......We are so called Great High techies, Mathematician and Physicians but can\'t control our dick and recklessely produced 1 billion people when our country can\'t handle more than 70 Million !!!!!!

First of all they won\'t believe foreigners.We will be singled out because of skin colour. Then in their minds, all F1s and H1s are different incarnations of "Mohd Atta". So though you kindly want to do a favour to INS, because of these reasons, they will throw you into the nearby garbage can.Some racist will come and put a blame that you have mishandled the 10,000 documents.So comes FBI and ofcourse you know what will happen. Hence it is not recommendable to go to INS except for PP stamping.

In today\'s CNN news, two FBIs held for leaking the confidential information. Mohd Attas are there within their work environment but they suspect all foreigners as Mohd attas, though they approve his F1 status. How foolish it is?
Long Live FBI and Long Live INS. God only will save this country.
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Again you fail to understand my point ! You again and again jump on things like GRE ! Remember you prepare for that test for months, You sweat your balls to Score high points, the course work and bench mark has been designed by Americans !!!! Even when most Americans would fail in GRE and Even in TOEFEL ! Did you get my point yet ????

I don\'t have logic problem, I have just accepted the truth. Now why do you try so hard , pass GRE, to to school here, don\'t see your family for years, save every bit of money, then by difficulty you get a job and you have to wait for 4-6 yrs to get your GC ?

Americans do none of this yet they enjoy life, why ? What you do is stereo type. Your aim is very low (getting through GRE and getting GC) their aim is much much higher , that is to rule the world and be second to none.

You and me will get entangled in GRE, Math and Physics, in who knows more, who is right and who is wrong , this people will keep drinking bear and lead the world in every respect (Doesn\'t mean they are fool and don\'t know about math, science and computers)

The question you need to answer to yourself is , who is smart ? the guy who has bachelors and masters , the guy who pass the GRE and call himself Mathematician and physician or the Guy who controls your entry to the country you desperately need ?????
cincy485 , You cannot change job

cincy485 , You cannot change job since since changing your job to VSC will not be applicable under AC21 Law.
My Views

There is a a famous saying
This statement is probably true in the case of US because whole world knows that Americans are very good at getting things done.

If you look at this success a little closer you will realize that this success does not belong to native Americans alone, in fact it would have not been possible without the contributions of immigrants like you and me.
The point here is that a glorious past does not always promise a glorious future(I am not being pessimistic). Read statistics about how many local kids who are natives are becoming Doctors, engineers, etc. and you will realize that the current generation of these so-called native Americans is busy standing at MacD and making money than to go to a college.

The point here is that it is high time that INS and this country should set it\'s priorities right. They have more danger and threat from people who hop across the border on a boat or through other illegal means. It is they who should be carefully scrutinized and put under bigger microscope and make to wait for a very long period than people like you and me who have all legal documents and who have literally worked very hard to reach at this juncture.

The problem arises and will arise in future also when people like you and me who should and deserve to be a part of the American dream get frustrated by the long wait and look at other alternates(like immigrating to another country). That is going to be not health for the US economy because the success of US economy is based on attracting best diversified manpower from around the world.

Will love to hear what all of you think. I think we should all discuss these types of issues while waiting for our approvals.

All the Best to All and may we all get our approvals Soon
Take Care
Good thoughts...

This country is built and run by immigrants, and INS must be more emphatic towards legal immigrants. Of course, no one can demand that INS/US should allow immigrants. At the same time, if American corporates insist on brining in skilled labor from abroad, be it for cost effectiveness or for lack of available skilled labor domestically, they are responsible for providing the immigrants with better privileges. There are far too many restrictions on temporary workers: They cannot change employers, they cannot work on their own, 6 years\' VISA restriction, etc. These restrictions really make us to apply for greed cards and get caught in the vicious loop. Suppose if there was no 6 years\' restriction on H1 stay, suppose if the H1 workers were allowed to work for 10 years, suppose if the H1 workers could change the employer on their own, things would have been a lot different. After all, we pay taxes too, and most of us fall under the "above average" income groups. The only people, in my opinion, who are getting benefited by the imposed restrictions on H1 workers are our employers (a.k.a body shoppers), and of course, the big corporates who seek services from body shoppers. It is a win-win for corporates and body shoppers, and "all lose" for temporary workers.

PS: These are just my opinions based on my personal experience since close to 6 years in this country...
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Huskey and Sandy02, I call you guys real immigrants, Immigrants who made this country superpower, because of whom Sweeper who didn\'t bother to even get through highschool(no disrespect for the job) in America has two cars and takes flight every year to go on vacation in either hawai or Florida.
WE also have to look at the other side , just becasue these people didn\'t pass GRE or because they don\'t know the traditional math, we can\'t call them fool ! Who is the greater fool here, the guy who is highly educated and desperate to get his GC or Guy who is less educated but control the entry of so called highly educated scientist ! we also don\'t know how to build camp house on your own or how to maintain your lawn, how to to communicate effectively, how to resolve complicated matters etc etc(No matters how smart we are, we hate and envy each other and never work together, doesn\'t even listen properly ) So don\'t just judge them for some stupid things.

At the end of the day, what counts is GDP and GNP , what counts is success and prosparity ,how you get this is least important, whether you hire college educated immigrants to do the job or you educate your own people.
can we shut up for some time?

Whether u accept it or not, the fact is that we can only
sit tight and wait.