inquiry reply from BCIS, RD:9/21/01


Registered Users (C)
I made an inquiry on aug.1 and got a reply from BCIS in a mail today says:
Your case is in the begining status of review. If you have not heard from the center within 45 days, please contact us for assistance
Anyone got the same reply? Does it mean that my case will be approved within 45 days?

RD: 9/21/01
FP1: 1/11/02
FP2: 6/19/03
AD: ?
I hope you are being approved

while i have never noticed such kind of messages. However, you would be on solid ground to ask them to expedite your case if you won't be approved within 45 days
"Your case is in the begining status of review" ? Which minimum wage genius came out with that crap ? I can write much better B.S. - here goes

"we are in the final planning stage of initiating the pre-analysis of the status of your case ... please blah blah blah"
I received a letter from BCIS on 8/16 regarding my inquiry on 8/4 for the case status. It says : "Your case is currently with an ajudicative officer, you should hear a decision soon..."
RD: 12/11/01

I received a letter from BCIS on 8/15 regarding my inquiry on 07/29 for the case status. It says : "It appears that the Center is awaiting current finger print results in order to make a final decision on this case". Call back if I don't hear anything within 45 days.
I had my finger prints done on 06/17/03 and Per FBI, my finger prints were cleared and sent back to service center on the 20th of June. I am not sure as to what VSC is waiting for....
Number of days never meant anything!

This actually happened. My wife called BCIS in February 2003 to get an update on our case. She said to the IIO "last time when I called in january, I was told that something would happen in 3-4 weeks. Since nothing happened I am calling today!"

For this the IIO said, "Well ma'am! When we say 3-4 weeks, it actually means 60-90 days. You should not take the estimate seriously".

Can you believe it? (I know you can! Its BCIS afterall!)
Interesting differences in BCIS inquiry responses..

I thought it was a standard reply to everyone, but it looks like each has its own flavor. I don't know if it is wise to try to derive any meaningful information out of it. But, for what it's worth, the response I got from them stated "Your case is pending service considerations"
Yeah, ask them to change the oil and check batteries too!!

at least you guys did not get this message like me:

The status of your service request is:

An intent to deny letter was sent to your lawyer on 7/8/03, we do not have a response at this time.

For future status inquiries of a petition or application filed at this Center, or for live assitance from an Information Officer, you may want to utilize our automated phone sytem by calling 800-375-5283.....blah blah blah


the worst thing is:

1. my lawyer did not receive a NOID
2. online status does not say this message (has my fingerprint received message)
3. AVM does not say NOID message (has fingerprint message)
4. IIO does not read this message from his/her computer, he/she reads the message that my fingerprint has been received, process resumed.


is BCIS radomly generating messages for inquiry letters? is BCIS trying to scare the heck outta me of what's happening to my status in the U.S.?

i have been lawful, stayed at same address, same company for almost four years...

all this suffering and waiting are going to be worth nothing now due to an "ERROR" generated by BCIS inquiry letter writing machine?