
love ur sign in name

Are you from Andhra....I just want to say that your sign in name..made me laugh....

Yes, I hope this InfoPass works, I myself feel like trying being an oldtimer
RD Nov 2001.
Info pass should work if things work out fine at USCIS office, ideal conditions.
One drawback is there is no walk-in. If you say emergency..., emergency is to you not for the security person..., so he will not let you upto the counter.
Also, the website is designed to give you appointment only after TWO weeks from the date you get into InfoPass website. In anycase, you will not be issued appointments earlier than 2 weeks.

I bet, it will be 100 more years, before at least one person says the service at USCIS offices... is good.
No walk-ins, but at least you don't have to camp out in front of the local office all night just to get in. Just show up 10 minutes before your appointment time, just show them your apppointment printout, some photo ID, and in you go. :D Its a good thing. I've used it at the Miami office.
Seems to me jambalakadi is from Andhra. There was a movie titled "Jambalakadi Pamba". He chose first part of it.
No offence.... Change you signature...
Neither money nor GreenCard can buy Peace of Mind.
Peace of Mind comes from inside when one is content (satisfied).
Contenment is short lived. If contenment is not short-lived, people become lazy. Even the greatest saints never had contenment from the knowledge they already gained.
Mother Theresa was not satisfied with the service she did, she always wanted to do more...
Bill Gates (a living example but not a saint)..., being the richest person in the world, increases his asserts each year.

Even though Jonathan Livingston Seagull (author Richard Bach) is fictitious, he is a good example of not being content.

jambalakadi is right. My signature is supposed to be a joke based off the famous MasterCard commercial. That's all. Nothing more. You're reading between the lines too much. :D