Infopass Vs NSC - Name Check Vs Background Check???


Registered Users (C)

I had an Infopass appointment last week and here are the information I received:

1) Name Check is done and clear.:)
2) Your finger prints are going to expire next month (15 months). Wait for the biometrics notice.:rolleyes:
3) Your I-485 status - Pending (The officer said just 'Pending' more information).:mad:
4) You are OK. When you complete the biometrics, you should be getting the I-485 approval.:)

Then, yesterday, I called NSC and talked with an Immigration Officer and here are the information I received:

1) She cannot find the exact status of I-485, but can find in which section my 'File' is sitting at the moment.:D
2) She searched in the system and said "Your case is stuck in a section for a long time and that section is responsible for background check.:mad:
3) I replied that, during my Infopass, they said that my Name Check is clear and asked her the reason for holding my file in the section handling background checks.:confused:
4) IO replied that she cannot provide more information since she doesn't have access to my file.:(
5) She asked me to file a 'Service Request' to know the status.:eek:

Now, I am confused and trying to understand the difference between 'Name Check' and 'Background Check'. If there is a difference, why the Infopass officer told me that I am OK with my I-485 application.:confused:

Gurus, please throw some light on this mess.



PD: April' 2002 - EB3 - India
I-485 - RD August' 2004
Biometrics: Code 1 - 08/04, Code 3 - 04/06
Infopass appointment

I had infopass appointmet today.

Officere told me that 1. Name Check is cleared long ago (means more than a year ago). 2. She doesn't have any more information and suggested to call Service center.

I showed her Service Request Response. -- Outside Normal Processing Time.

<<Based onyour request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and caused a longer processing time. If you dont' receive a decision or notice of action from us within 6 mos. please call Server center.>>

She said they will be processing and you have to wait for another 6mos. to get some response.