infopass problem


Registered Users (C)
hi, folks:

I tried to use infopass to make an apointment in the office of Charlotte, NC to stamp my passport, but I cannot go through. The website always tells: At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later.

Does anyone meet same problem? Can we make a phone call to make an appointment. Thanks for information.

Keep trying. It took 3 weeks for me to get one appointment. Also try at around 5.30PM, weekends, midnight...

Good luck.
As ba1234 said, try exactly around 6:00 PM. Before that clear all your browsers cache and cookies.
If you need 2 appointments (say one for you and one for your spouse), you might need 2 different computers to get the 2 appointments. After getting your first appointment, they won't let you to take an another appointment from the same IP Address (your computer) it seems.
I remote logged in to my work computer and got the second appointment immediately. I took both the appointments between 6:00 PM and 6:10 PM EST. I got both my appointments in my first attempt.
The moment I received my approval emails, I went to USCIS website right away to make an infopass appointment in Atlanta. I think it was around 8 PM (EST) and I was able to get one for my spouse. I printed it out then I tried again to make another appointment for myself unfortunately I didn't get through..instead I got this message that says "At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later." At around 9:30 PM of the same day (and with the same computer), I tried again and I was able to get one for me so to those who need multiple infopass appointments...try to do it at different times, that way you'll be able to get through and you might not need multiple computers for scheduling your appointments. Good luck!
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I finally made an appointment

I finally made appointments for my wife and for me. It seems srisubu is correct. After 6:00 pm, the website get normal. I used two computers to make two appointments.

I still have a problem: in my approval letter, there is no stamping information. The approval letter writes: "The above application has been approved. The immigration card facility will mail the new alien registration card directly to the applicant in approximately 120 days."

Anyone has the same approval letter?

Does it mean I don't need to get my passport stamped and will get the green card directly? It is wierd. Where do they get my picture? Are they going to use the same picture used in the EAD card application? The EAD card picture is old style (one ear pic). CIS required two ear picture.

I need to mention that I filed my 140 and 485 at NSC, but I moved to Durham North Carolina, filed AC21, and 485 got approved. I got the approval letter from NSC. Can I used the letter to get my passport stamped in Charlotte Office?

Anyway, I will go to Charlotte office to see if they will stamp.

Thanks for the useful information.

The Infopass system allows only two week weekdays available for people to schedule an appointment, but add new day after 6pm (maybe eastern time) Sunday through Thurday. However, you may still get a chance if you are lucky because someone may cancel an appointment. Also, You need wait for at least 30 min to make another appointment using the same computer at the same day. Keep trying.

ND: 09/2002
FP: 12/2004
AD: 04/06/2005
PP: 04/22/2005
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If they took a pic of you at the time of FP, they will use that pic. A friend of mine who did his FP recently and got his 485 approved on 04/06 got an email from VSC (His case was in VSC) saying that his card was ordered on 04/06. He got an email yesterday that his card was mailed out. When checked with our corporate attorney he mentioned that its nmot necessary to get the stamping in pp.(I don't know how he is going to submit his I-94 and EAD/AP). I would suggest that you check with the lawyer before you do anything further Or you have nothing to loose to make a trip to the INS office if you live close to the INS office since you already have infopass appointment.


140/485 RD: 08/20/05;
140 AD: 02/03/05
485 AD: 03/14/05
PP stamped: 03/24/05
CO: 04/06/05
CM: 04/11/05