InfoPass or InfoFail at LA !?!


Registered Users (C)

Got my approval notice (courtesy copy) last week. As recommeded by many people, I'm trying to make an appointment only for the LA office using the InfoPass feature.

I select the option 'Speak to Immigration Officer'.

But it won't get to the point where I can specify/choose date/time. It says "At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later"

I have tried both my home zipcode and the LA office (90012). Have been trying since last 3 days selecting other options, using different computers/operating systems!! :confused: No luck!

Is InfoPass mandatory or "recommended"? How long will I have to wait if I went there without any appointment?

Anybody sharing these pains?
Me too in the same boat. I got appointment for me . Could not set it up for my spouse and son. I got the same stupid message. Thinking that it would be wise to go personally, I went today morning with my family and waited in the long queue for 2 hours. After we were let in , they told us we can take only appointments using their KIOSKS. All the three were dead, and they gave us a pamplet with USCIS web site address and asked to get an appointment and then only show up.

I have an appointment for July 2nd and I can't even cancel it for a different date, If I try to get another appointment without cancellation, the original appointment shows up after entering all the info.

I think this is INFO STUPIDITY.
I've heard that once you make an appointment, it doesn't let you make another (say for your spouse, child). May be it records your IP and locks it for some time. Did you try again? Or from a different computer?

You may also make an appointment over the phone. The average waiting time on it (today) is 35 minutes. When my wife tried, she was told that we don't need to go to LA office but can also go to the Buena Park (closer to us) and offered to make an appointment.

I mentioned this today morning to the office ath LA office. He told me only one appt is sufficient. I don't believe this. If you want to get appointment for your spouse, keep trying for a couple of days or two. I got appointment for me today morning and for my wife in the afternoon. Fortunately it is at same day and time for both of us.
You only need one infopass appointment

for the principal and the derivative AOS.
I took just one infopass appointment and there was no problem for me and my family at LA BCIS office.
More then one appointments does not mean, you and your family end up meeting more then one IIO.
Even if you have taken more then one infopass appointment, you just get one appointment number for the whole family to be processed by a single IIO.
I could get the second appointment immediately after the first when I used a different phone number (and email address) using a different computer. It has different confirmation numbers.

Luckily I got the same day and time. Thanks for the info, sreevin. I didn't know if one was sufficient and didn't want to take chances. In my case, my wife's last name is different from mine. So I guess the system didn't consider us a family.

One thing more, even though on our notices LA center is mentioned, the infopass is sending us to the Santa Ana center. I guess it shouldn't be a problem as I confirmed over the phone that this center does process/stamp passports for I-485 approvals.

Thanks again, sreevin.
The difference in last names within a family does not matter

since my family of three has three different last names, one being the primary and the other two being the derivative AOS.
so one Infopass is sufficent for a family with one principal and multiple derivative AOS.
sreevin said:
since my family of three has three different last names, one being the primary and the other two being the derivative AOS.
so one Infopass is sufficent for a family with one principal and multiple derivative AOS.
I agree, we went with two different last names and one appointment for the primary on 6/21/04 and went to the same officer at the same time.