Infopass Help Please


Registered Users (C)

Today i received the courtesy copy after approval on 7/28.
I tried to take the appointments for stamping thru infopass and i get the following message.

At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later.

I live in Dallas.Its been happening for the past two days.

Please help.

ND/RD 7/2002
RFE 7/16
AD 7/28
Officer #57
Other people on the forum mentioned that you need to get an appointment just after midnight. Otherwise the available slots fill out very quickly.
Try either around 7 pm or just after 12 midnight. One of them will for sure get you thro...

Try btwn 6am-8m. and you need to make separate one for your spouse.
The system wont allow to make another one from same machine.
Try after 7 pm each day


Try after 7.30 pm CST. Thats when they open the next day that is available. The InfoPass system gives the appointments only for a 2 week period. This 2 week period is a rolling period. That means, On a Monday evening, you can get appointments starting that Tuesday through next 2 weeks... But, usually you won't get an appointment with in those 2 weeks.So, if you can get to the InfoPass appointment, that will be 2 weeks from the day you sign up.

The message you are seeing is because no appointment is available in next couple of weeks. If an appointment is availabe, it will ask for your name etc... thats the indication that appointments are available.

Hope this helps
FYI I tried a few minutes ago and got an appt for Aug 16th. I'm going to try a walk-in tomorrow though because I'm scheduled to fly out on Aug 11th.
try misspelling your name slightly. If there is already an appointment with the same last name as yours in the system it won't let you make a second one. It worked for me when I got that message.

Probably USCIS's attempt at trying to stop people from making multiple appointments for themselves, but of course they never thought someone could have the same last name as someone else.