InfoPass consequence


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

My lawyer just told me that my interview date will not be scheduled due to the fact that I have started an inquiry by scheduling an appointment thru infopass. I was very surprised to hear this, and don't fully believe it. However, I have no reason to doubt my lawyer either. He seems knowledgable.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Do infopass appointments have any impact on interview dates?

Howdy Canarian,

Please clarify a point: Does your lawyer mean "Naughty you, now they won't schedule your interview" or "You started an inquiry, so now they're scared of you and they will process your case without scheduling an interview?"

It seems really strange that they would "punish" you for starting an inquiry. Surely that is something you should write your Senator about.

thanks for posting,


I spoke with my lawyer. His clarification was that every visit equates to initiating an inquiry on my case. This causes my case to be transfered from one officer to another, potentially delaying my case/interview. I guess I see his point, but I don't quite agree with him. I will tell you how my visit goes on Sept 15th.

Andrews, what do you mean 3 months wait for an interview? Most of the postings on this thread for SJC has indicated a leeter within 3 weeks and an appointment within 1.5 months. Was this the date they gave you? What is your RD notice date?
Hard to say Andrews. I think thats why I look at the local office trackers, and other people's experiences and response times from their center to figure it out. I know in the case of ruxrux he got a letter from SJC in 9 days. Mine has already been over 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything.

I think one thing that local offices do is that they supposedly honor the RD filing dates. It is not based only based on the time that the file has been transfered. So if your RD date has passed the date announced by the Center/local office and you have been waiting for 5 months....then I think you're file is stuck on someone's desk. 5 months does seem long, but I am saying this only based on the dates I read from postings in this site. Hope this helps. You're not alone dude.
I'll have my infopass on Sept 15th. I'll let you know as well, if I got any answers or the usual brush off.
They told me 12-15 months is the wait for an interview. After discussing this we other folks in this forum we hope that this is just the standard response from INS. However, the fact remains the response was quite disturbing. The waiting game never ends. Wish i could provide a more positive news, but ......
Canarian, 12 months or 15 months?? It's ridiculous. If the information is true, we should take legal action against Don(CA Director).
What is really amazing in this story is the weakness of our lawyers. These bozos are totally useless. They took the money and run. Why the lawyer can not go to the local center and talk to a fucking officier? why he can't move his fat ass to send a fax to the local office to push them a little bit.

All what they can say is wait then wait then wait them wait .... Fuck wait, I am waiting since 2.7 years.

KKJ said:
Canarian, 12 months or 15 months?? It's ridiculous. If the information is true, we should take legal action against Don(CA Director).
I'm not sure if the lawyers can do anything. I'm not defending them, but you got to consider the people you are dealing with. INS people can not be influenced or pushed to do anything faster.

I think we are the damned. Most of the focus is on the improvement that is being done on the processing dates, and the interviews are forgotten about. I am confident that if this wasn't the case, I wouldn't have been told 12-15 months (regardless if it takes less or not!). We are simply represent the small bunch that their processing is way late. INS stand toward the issue is just be happy other areas have sped up, and people are getting some response from us.

As for taking legal action, I am not sure what we can do, if anything. SF sounds even worse.
I just came across this in my never ending search for an answer:

Interview Schedules for Adjustment of Status

Q. When are the interviews scheduled for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) family based applications that are filed locally?
A. Interviews for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) family based applications are scheduled approximately 6 to 8 months from the filing date.

Not sure what to think of it. Nothing on Employment based.