Infopass at Newark


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

This is an information request those who went to Newark for stamping. Did you guys take two infopass appointments for yourself and spouse? OR Did you just take one appointment in the primary's name? Please share your experiences.

1 person - 1 appointment
2 persons - 2 appointments

if you & your wife are going for stamping, then it is 2 persons, thus you would require 2 appointments.

it cant get any simpler than this.
What difference does it make?. Common sense or experience.. They do not sell Infopass .. It is just free. Why not take two and keep going.. Intsead of typing it here in the forum, you type in infopass and get it done buddy..
Good luck
because they do not allow taking more than one appointment from a computer immediately. I called the National customer service and was told that I have to wait 30 min before I make the second one. Lo and behold, I try after 30 min and no more appointments for that day. Now do I really want to take 2 days off from work. Is infopass really "Free", I wonder.

Ofcourse, you can make 2 appointments but use different computers to ensure all applicants get in and get out at the same time.

Anyways, I got lucky, I found another appiontment after some persistance. They are not at the same time but atleast on the same day.
I am wondering on your approval letter did they schedule a date already, and you can show up on that day(like friday 7:00-4:00 something like this), so you no need to shedule through INFOPASS?
zxia3 said:
I am wondering on your approval letter did they schedule a date already, and you can show up on that day(like friday 7:00-4:00 something like this), so you no need to shedule through INFOPASS?

I was rejected at the guard this Monday. Wednesday is possible for walk in.
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they sent me back since i could get only 1 appointment with my wife's name on it. i had to go after 1 week. this is in newark.
You do need an appointment for passport stamping

Do I realy need an apointment, when it's clearly mentioned on 797C to appear on Wednesday between 8:00 - 12:00 AM?

In anycase I tried scheduling an appointment and here's what get

At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later.

Please advice.
Keep trying several times a day, you are likely to strike gold (or appointment in this case). This is what I did. Everything is a struggle.
zxia3 said:
I am wondering on your approval letter did they schedule a date already, and you can show up on that day(like friday 7:00-4:00 something like this), so you no need to shedule through INFOPASS?

Not scheduling on the approval notice only via infopass. Wednesday is a free for all and you have to get their early I hear.
Two appointments are must unless you are lucky!

I had one appointment and lady on the window was kind enough to do it for both me and my wife however she repeatdly said "My Attorney should have asked me to take two appointments" (My Approval notice has attorny's address on it. :)

For infopass appointment try at 12Midnight.
My case just got approved. I belong to newark ASC. Do i need to take Infopass appointment or I can just walk-in on wednesday.

Please let me know your experience

485 Nd jan31,2003
AD :Sept24,2004
I have the same question too. I get this wierd message "no appointments". The approval notice says 8:00 - 12:00 on any wednesday. What is the way out here ? Do they reject any walkins on a wednesday ?


kandy17 said:
My case just got approved. I belong to newark ASC. Do i need to take Infopass appointment or I can just walk-in on wednesday.

Please let me know your experience

485 Nd jan31,2003
AD :Sept24,2004
Read the other thread by GCmajburi for info. Newark, as far as I know, has no problems without the infopass appt. You can walk in - I did just a couple of weeks ago. Get there by 7 or 7.30am and you should be fine. Take front face passport style photos and not ADIT style as written on the approval notice. Your courtesy copy will do for the stamping.

another_dude said:
Not scheduling on the approval notice only via infopass. Wednesday is a free for all and you have to get their early I hear.