InfoPass Appt Tomorrow - What is the best way to get the most relevant Information?


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

For those of you have had appointments before, what should I expect from this?

What questions should I be asking other then the general what stage is my 485 and 140 at etc.

In general what strategy gets you the most relevant and detailed information? Is there any specific questions that I should be asking to the officer?

Please share your thoughts from your experience with this process.
Update on the Appt

It lasted less than a minute, that is after waiting for 30 mins and spending an hour to get there.

The lady officer was probably one of the worst people I have met as far as CSR's go. It was like, to get one word out of her mouth you had to pay her a million dollars.

As soon as I got there she greeted me by saying "Why are you here today" - I said to check on my I-485 and I-140 status.

She punched in the receipt number and in 5 seconds flat told me "there is no movement, it is pending" as if that is all she needs to tell me and I should be on my way already.

I tried to ask about any estimate on processing and got a blank angry stare. Finally, asked her about the FBI name check, she said "it is cleared" nothing more nothing less and that too without looking at her monitor. I was on my way after that.

Not sure if I can believe her on that, not sure if I should feel happy or sad:confused: at this point.

What a complete waste of time and what awful service. We deserve better than this. I hope she spends the rest of her life in that dead end job.
That damn retarded USCIS woman, after all your trouble, I feel bad for you. Sometimes due to our sad circumstances we have to put up with crap like that. Otherwise you should have taken your chappal (or your Nikey/Reebok) and slapped her from across the counter with 1 on each side.