Info. required on Consular Processing -- Needed Urgently..


New Member

I am posting this request for a friend of mine.

My friend, his wife and daughter completed CP at Mumbai on Nov. 29, 2001. His daugther, turns 21 in January, and her immigrant visa expires the day before her 21st birthday. As a result, her passport needs to be stamped before that.

Can she travel to the US and get her passport stamped before her father has a chance to do so? In other words, can a derivative beneficiary get the passport stamped before the primary applicant?

Please let me know if anybody has gone through a similar situation before.
Any help will be appreciated..

Secondary cannot enter before primary

The secondary\'s visa specifically states that he/she cannot enter before the primary. It can be together or follow to join, but not before. If the secondary\'s visa expires before her 21st birthday, make sure she enters before the expiry date, and make sure the primary enter before or with the secondary.