Info Pass Report From Friday


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On Saturday 10/20 rcvd a ltr frm NSC as a response to SR that pending background checks, called them on tue or wed and the I/O at NSC said u r pending nc and it was sent to FBI in OCtober 2006. So on 10/26 i had an infopass in NYC so here is the story.......

Went through airport security and more and was put in a line. My turn comes the lady asks me why r u here. " my 485 is pending so i want to know why as i am outside current processing times", this was her response "i dont kno why you people waste ur time to come here, applications like this are pending for years urs is only last year." my response "well maam i am in EB2 category so i am overdue", she goes "who told u about these categories there r not categories, now take this and go to the third floor and wait for ur turn"

so she was just some receptionsit who interviewed me :)

third floor my turn comes and i repeat the question, and this guy responds "well its pending so u have to wait, and thats all I can tell you"..can u please check if my background checks are done" he checks the computer and replies "your agency checks are done", "does that mean my NC is also done" he goes" i am seeing your agency checks are done and thats all i can see, there is nothing here on my screen about name checks", "can u please check more or in detail i asked him", and he is like you dont understand english man your agency checks are done and i am saying nor more or no less and thats all i can see"

so here it is whatever the hell that meant
i think you should be glad that your name checks are clreared. i think term name checks , security check these are possibly used for information pupose. atleast you don't have any checks pending which is a good sign.
i think you should be glad that your name checks are clreared. i think term name checks , security check these are possibly used for information pupose. atleast you don't have any checks pending which is a good sign.

well to be honest with u this is my take on this whole episode....

I think since the application pending at NSC, the IOs over there have more information on the case than the stupid info pass ppl.

I think that the NC is still pending unless it got cleared in the two days since i called them n had infopass which i think is very unlikely..

i suggest all engineers in here specially electrical and mechanical ppl to explore alberta prospects a little ....things dont look tht bad over there
i totally agree with you , besides people here in downtown NY are not very nice, they can hardly speak english dude.

i call Nebraska almost every week, primarily for AP but then i ask for 485 , i must have called alteast 6-7 times this month and not a one person spare any information on 485. almost everyone said the same thing : if case is not in processing range dated then they can't even look at details of case" .

well atelast you are closer to processing dates , hopefully then you can get some information.