INFO :: For the guys who did AR11...


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Changed my adderss 2 months back. Sent AR11 and also called NCSC to update my address within 10 days of address change. BCIS had sent a confirmation last week for me and my wife.
Looks like BCIS is promptly sending replies, if not Approvals. Looks they are getting a lil organized these days..:)
I have done exactly the same. But I never received any confirmation on address change. Called BCIS, it seems my new address has been updated.

Every 30 days I called BCIS to do an enquiry on my case, everytime they said I would receive letter in the mail in 30 days, but I have not received any. Have been doing this for 3 months now.

FP expired this May, no 2nd FP notice.
RFE received/replied last Nov.
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Filed AR11 3 times never received a confirmation EVER!
Filed it 3 times means..Did you change ur residence 3 times?:confused:
People suggest that it is not good to change the residence once 485 is filed. What is your opinion on this?

I did not get the AR11 confirmation. But had to call BCIS and manually change the address. I did get notices to my new address after that.
I think calling helps.

Its better to call and make sure that the address has changed.. you can file using AR11 but there is way too much overload that they may not (or overlook) the address update.

The last couple of times I called BCIS regarding 485 status I had to wair around 10-15 mins and was able to talk to someone. I guess those 15 mins are worth the wait.

I'm changing addresses soon, I'm definitely going to call up and make sure that the address has been updated.

- Raj.
ps: downside is that the BCIS is going to get too many calls regarding address change confirmation. :))