Info about companies


New Member

I got offer for H1 from these companies. Anyone know about these companies ?

DiviHN, IL
Sunmergesystems, New Jersey

I need info about the same company too.

It would be great if some one can share information on this.
Let me get this straight: You have two accepted offers with two companies that are applying for two H1Bs for 1 person - and you're unsure about the background of these companies?

Wow... now I understand why the cap will be reached very early this year. It's really unfortunate for the people who have waited since last year and that really need the H1B. The US probably wouldn't have to raise the 65,000 quota if the H1B program wouldn't be abused.
Let me get this straight: You have two accepted offers with two companies that are applying for two H1Bs for 1 person - and you're unsure about the background of these companies?

Wow... now I understand why the cap will be reached very early this year. It's really unfortunate for the people who have waited since last year and that really need the H1B. The US probably wouldn't have to raise the 65,000 quota if the H1B program wouldn't be abused.

no wonder we are going thru lottery right now.....JEEZZZZ !!!!