Answers to techy2468 problems with IV
things IV doing bad:
1. very short one all they wanted to do was lobby for some bill which was due in senate/house in 2-3 months......that was an ridiculous notion.....that a group of people with 15k in funds and not more than 30 dedicated member wanted to influence legistlation in usa.
Thats your assumption. We are attacking every bill that we believe can affect us in one way or other. If you look at some of the threads on IV, we are attacking the PACE bill too. Now that the draft draft of the Comprehensive Immigration Bill is out, we are looking at that too.
What is this deal with 30 people with 15K in cash trying to infulence US legislation? a) Every org starts with ONE person. Its only when others start associating with them do they grow. Did you know how many folks started Microsoft? Just 2. Bill Gates and Paul Allen. If you were around when that was happening, I'm sure you would have tried your best to tell the whole world to NOT support Microsoft because 'they are two kids trying to change the world with their parent's money'. What about DELL started by Michael Dell alone? How about Red Cross started by Clara Barton and a few friends (less than 15). Now before you start drooling to start another thread with 'IV is so stupid they compare themselves with Microsoft or Dell' or Red Cross, let me clarify, we do not have any aspirations like that. All we want to do is educate the lawmakers that LEGAL immigrants are suffering.
b) Is it a crime to start with 15K or less? Why can't you appreciate the fact that something has been started instead of just watching from the sidelines?
We are not running this org full time and hence you need to cut us some slack. This has been a learning experience for all of us from learning about the US legal system to hiring a lobbyist. Have you tried starting an organization like this? Do you think its easy to get even 100 members who believe in you? If you think so, why don't you start one. We'll see how it goes. There is more than meets the eye!
2. they were/are not open to constructive criticism.
This is nonsense. Very frankly, I do not believe that YOU of all people should be writing 'constructive' in any of your sentence. Look at the last 20/30 posts of yours, all you have done is spread negativity. Why didn't you just have a simple thread with all your questions and ask for IV to answer them?
Why don't you list your suggestions here and I'll answer them?
3. they believe that they will make a difference in the next 7-8 months....because according to them it will be too late since then it will be election year.
one thing they do not understand is that EB people do have brains...they do have some knowledge of how things work in usa....and that why right now there are not many buyers for IV's methods.
Do you know how many folks are unaware of this? I am not denying that EB people have brains but that does not mean everyone knows everything. We all pay taxes, but how many know that we are supposed to report any and every of our gambling income? I am sure lots of us have gone to Vegas but how many of us have actually report our losses/wins? I had a conversation about Green Cards with a Pulmonary Critical Care Fellow (in medicine this is equivalent to a PhD in engg.) and he did not know even about the three stages of green cards. I had a conversation about Green Cards with a Wharton alumni and senior product manager at a Fortune 50 firm and he had no clue about the steps in Green Card process other than 'it takes 3/4 years'. I consider these two guys way more 'brainier' than most EB2 applicants. Bottomline is there is no relation between brains and awareness of green card process and how the political system works in USA!
Not enough buyers of IV! Thats the most ridiculous thing we have heard. For all the hatred you have for IV, you have to confess that we have achieved a lot in last 50 days. 900+ members and tons of volunteers. And all this by word of mouth. Try doing this yourself and we'll see how far you get (and we promise, we will not start threads of negativity for 'techy2468's org')
things they should be doing:
1. membership drive ....membership drive ....membership drive ....
if we cannot get atleast 2k members no need to think about fighting.....all that time can be used for self improvement.
We are 50% there. We already have 900+ registered members and lots of folks who are lurkers. Again, there is always baby steps initially. Since I do not think you got the point (in spite of being smart with brains) on another thread I'll repeat it again
Hypothetically if there are 50,000 naysayers like you who say they will join IV only if there are 5000 members, we will never reach that figure inspite of having potentially 50K members ready to jump in. On the other hand, if all decide to join disregarding the current membership count, we woud get off to a great start.
And take my word, we will get to 2K members sooner than you can imagine
2. stop chanting that they can bring in a legislation change....there are hundred other ways EB-retrogressed candidates can help themselves if they were all united
Like? This goes back to your 'constructive criticism' allegation. Why don't you actually provide alternatives for anything you do not like and we will look at that!
3. long term planning: what if all these bills fail.....what if we totally get ignored and still worse if uscis gets overloaded with illegal immigrants applications....
You are indeed very smart. This statement translates to...'lets forget all the immigration stuff going on right now, lets plan for next 10 years'. There are issues at hand right now! Lets make sure we do not get forgotten this time atleast! We can worry about what happens in future later! Lets focus all are efforts to these current happening for gods sake else we'll miss the bus. If we do, we'll have lots of time (years in fact) to mull over what we want to do!
all in all.....i do not have a silver bullet.....and thats why i promise none....otherwise i would have jumped in and tried to steer in some direction.....
but if we all unite(50k membership).....thats a golden bullet....then we can think of painting usa in our colours....telling every american our story......or creating an alternative to this GC (its like we are here as guest...we want to settle down...but we are not welcome....but we wont give up........imagine if we start creating alternatives.....will that not decrease the supply......maybe they will pay some attention(they may not be able to get more H1 alos since american will not be a land of opportunity anymore....but maybe they will just outsource...but thats great...we all can go back to our home country).
Please start a new org. Try and get more than 900 members in 50 days and we'll accept defeat gladly. Stop pandering to everyone's fears. Prove yourself a man who walks the walk too.
but i have not lost all hopes....there will definitely be a legislation in the next 2-3 can even happen in the next few months.....but nobody knows for sure....
Good for you. And let me say you are doing a great job in making sure that some of the IV members keep on wasting their time on your drivel.
This is my challenge to you. Stop wasting everyone's time. Start your own org. That way you can plan long term, get to 50K members in 1 month and because it will be started with you, they will be used to constructive criticism (pun intended). Go go go....30 days to go. I am waiting for your next thread which announces starting of a new org with a promise to get 5K members in a month.....