indie7068 business

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It is really amazing how one person can effectively shut up the majority, close the most promising project on and get away with it guilt free. I guess this case could be recognized by psychiatrists as a standard social behavioral pattern. What INS hadn't done by approving 03 cases before ours, indie7068 nailed down to death.
A well-placed comment that started in an innocent thread about Kashmir's Java code not working ended up in this now.
I'll get by easily by writing my own code to do Kashmir-like stats on wac02103, some will be frustrated but clueless about INS approval trends and most users won't care because they've been passive all the time anyway. The forum will continue answering questions on "what docs do I need to file for AP" and reading that "wac04166 - received 2nd EAD". We'll continue working on writing to Don Neufeld, senators and representatives and indie7068 will go on being part of us under his regular login, stinking in his rathole forever happy.
After 25 + pages of "discussion" you still don't want this to die, eh? Why don't you just let go, mate?
But it left this forum to no good. I am not sure but my guess is that everyone including Kashmir would think a million times before initiating another campaign.

At one point, i felt like we were making a difference and suddenly this Indie**** comes along and messes up pretty much everything. Unless you come to this site for congratulating others on their approval this forum is pretty much a dry area with no information...

These are my thoughts. I will still contribute but hey can anyone guarantee that some idiot is not going to jeopardise all our efforts or jeopardise my case.

Slowly yet Constantly, i am trying my best to steer my friends in participating on this forum and the campaigns, showing the difference it is making. If they see this whole mess, pray, tell me, how will they get the motivation....

Maybe we can let Indie**** go now but how can we be sure that there isn't another Indie**** waiting to pounce...

indie you must be one sad fu**.

if you care so much about your stupid wac - just go ahead and shove it up your ass
Whatever said and done, it was nice to see Kashmir finally getting the visible support he has never had. The discussion pissed enough people off, to show up and support Project Kashmir and accept it as the foremost campaign on the forum.

So it makes me confident that if the legal and other hurdles are cleared and Kashmir does get the ball rolling again, we will see a lot more community support and participation in the growth of the forum.

But let us close this and other threads dealing with Indie, and move on to the next idea/campaign.
Just wondering ..........

Who could this Indie be? He claims to know Kashmir's fullname!! Did he really meet Kashmir in townhall meetings or is he one of the people in Coffee shop !!!
If he is really as bold as he claims to be reporting Project Kashmir to Don, why did he create another nickname?

Just having some fun at his cost, for the amount of stir/problems he caused in this forum. :)

Kashmir signed up for the petition right, he's one of the plantiffs. That I think may make it easier to figure out who he is in real life. Sorry Kashmir.

Re: Just wondering ..........

Originally posted by mango_pickle
Did he really meet Kashmir in townhall meetings or is he one of the people in Coffee shop !!!
I sure hope not, you all seemed like decent people to me.
For sure that Idiot Indie never came to any town hall meeting

For sure that Idiot Indie never came to any of town hall meetings at least in bay area. On top of that IDIOT is claiming that he is doctor {May be cycic}. idiots thinking will be always idiotic.

Kashmir now up to you, wether to continue to post your project ocean results or not?

wish you good luck for your GC and don't spend too much time on this forum issues.

I suggest, all H1s coming to US, should be examined by Psychriatist and need to be certified, so that some people
will be in their own home, doors closed. What do you say Indie ? :)
I'm an idiot because I

- questioned the legality of scanning other peoples data

- suggested I did not the like idea that a donation was being requested for information - I'm entitled to an opinion

- having made a donation wondered what else I needed to see the data

- thanked Kashmir for his hard work

or because of what I admit was a stupid threat

I note that very few of the people making eloquent comments about me are listed as contributors to .org

You probably are not one for all the reasons you mentioned!
But you definitely gave wrong ideas to people who donot like Kashmir's efforts. You could have questioned the legality of scans in a better way!

Btw, if the donation was made by you, if you had emailed Kashmir your email, he would have mailed you the scan results. You didn't have to wait for the target # to be reached.
>> I note that very few of the people making eloquent comments about me are listed as contributors to .org

What is you point here? You made a donation, so now you can run amok with your "right to question" in this forum?

Can you please try that with US Gov? Hey I paid tax, so I have a right to "stupid" threat. I threathen to destroy this or something...

If you had just questioned Kashmir demanding donation for reports, it would have been something else. But what you have done is certainly not befitting you. Or maybe it is?
Originally posted by brokenarrow
>> I note that very few of the people making eloquent comments about me are listed as contributors to .org

What is you point here? You made a donation, so now you can run amok with your "right to question" in this forum?

Can you please try that with US Gov? Hey I paid tax, so I have a right to "stupid" threat. I threathen to destroy this or something...

If you had just questioned Kashmir demanding donation for reports, it would have been something else. But what you have done is certainly not befitting you. Or maybe it is?

the majority of people complaining are upset at me because my action caused them to lose access to the data which they never contributed for. So I find it odd they complain so vigorously

again my threat was crass.. time to move on ?
I think Kashmir can make the right judgement on Project Kashmir. I'm very happy to see lot of support for Kashmir.

We have had enough of it. and Mr. indie7068 has a tone of apology even if it is not, I belive its time to move on.

If we are interested in the Project Kashmir activities and want to put a united effort to reduce backlogs, lets channell our energies to participate in Project Ocean, Fund raising activities.

United we can reduce backlogs.
I agree with rk4gc.
Now, the total amount of contributions has reached $13,000.
Originally posted by rk4gc
..., I belive its time to move on.

If we ... want to put a united effort to reduce backlogs, lets channell our energies to participate in Project Ocean, Fund raising activities.

United we can reduce backlogs.
And, I really don't care about what indie7068 did.
All these statements against Indie are uncalled for. My initial posting on this thread was to put an end to this shit and move on.I don't think of what Indie said as blasphemy. One thing I noted here on this portal is that people act like hyenas. Find someone to pounce on and tear him apart mercilessly.This goes to show that no matter what you say you don't need the BCIS to "split" this community. It's already split into several fragments.Such degree of lack of acceptance to someone's opinions and tendency to gang up on a single person is despicable.140_takes_4_ever, a moderator and kashmir, the person who was affected directly by those comments have already made requests to move on.You guys just get cheap pleasure in flogging a dead horse. The guy already apologized to kashmir for crying out loud.This is shameful!!
One thing I noted here on this portal is that people act like hyenas. Find someone to pounce on and tear him apart mercilessly

HAHAHAHa U Cracked me up :D :D :D :D
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