Indiana SWA tracker

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Has anyone's lawyer tried to get an update from Mr Replogle at the SWA? It is unbelievingly slow processing.
I am a lawyer admitted to practice in Indiana and have several cases currently pending with the state office -- Mr. Replogle. It is very slow going, indeed, in that office due to the fact that Mr. Replogle is the only one working on both the regular and the RIR cases. However, since having filed the labor certification allows you to continue to extend your H-1B status beyond the 6-year maximum, it really does not present any particular problems insofar as continuing to remain in the US and continue working is concerned.
Lana, Does Mr Replogle has any explaination of the cases "pulled out of order" from year 2002 AND 2003 as seen at ?

05414453-software engineer R_SO-9/16/02 (Certifed)
05413046-software engineer R_SO-5/20/02 (Certified)
05412708-software engineer R_SO-1/28/02 (Certified)

Originally posted by ImmigAttyLana
I am a lawyer admitted to practice in Indiana and have several cases currently pending with the state office -- Mr. Replogle. It is very slow going, indeed, in that office due to the fact that Mr. Replogle is the only one working on both the regular and the RIR cases. However, since having filed the labor certification allows you to continue to extend your H-1B status beyond the 6-year maximum, it really does not present any particular problems insofar as continuing to remain in the US and continue working is concerned.
My attorney contacted replogle about those cases he did them because those people were approaching six year period before the extension law was passed in nov 2002.After Nov 2002 he stopped processing applications out of order.
I just spoke with Gene Replogle and his response was that for a while DOL was allowing the processing of "hardship cases" (age outs, H1b expirations, etc.), however, with the passage of the additional year of H1 status in HR 2215 came the rule that there were no more hardship requests. Thus you are seeing those cases that were certified "out of turn" because they qualified under the hardship cases, as specified above.
I was under the impression that DOL has advised the SWA to concommitently start working on cases which were not filed under amnesty given by Clinton administration i.e pull cases "off the shelf" along with working on cases filed under LIFE act. Is that true?
Last time when my attorney contacted mr.replogle he said that he was working on apr 25 appilcations ,how come he went back in processing
Well, I am sure he's working on more than one at a time. I was just basing my answer on the fact that one of my client's applications was filed on April 18, 2001 and we are still working on that application now with recruitment. I am not making any other representations about his other workload.
That does not make sense. If he was really doing 'age out', H1B expiring cases, then my case should have been looked at. Mine was filed in Aug 2001 and my H1b expired in Apr 2003. Right?
Understand that. But my question is, before Nov 2002, when they were authorized to process cases that were approaching expiration, don't you think mine should be one of them. I understand if they were processing cases prior to my date of filing (aug 2001). However, from the databse, it looks like they were doing cases received by SWA during feb, aug, sep 2002. Am i right or wrong?
I don't know the answer to the question and I do not know what period of time prior to the final expiration of the H-1B they considered as being critical to adjudicate the petitions out of turn. So if in August 2001, you were still not in great danger of capping out before your labor cert was approved, perhaps yours was not considered as being critical. Or, it could have been an oversight or it could have been that it was in queue to be processed out of turn but since the new law went into effect shortly thereafter, perhaps it was simply converted back to the track it was on originally. I don't have the answers, so this is just speculation on my part but I don't think it's really beneficial to wonder what if and how since you cannot change the course of events at this time.
Lana You are god send!!! A lot of questions were on everybody's mind have been answered. It's just that, for the size of the state, Indiana has the slowest processing in US. Gene may be trying his best to work on applications, but it's kind of frustating to see that while high volume states have gone through Apr'01 a long time ago, Indiana is still stuck in them. Hopefully processing will pick up once Apr'01 are finished.
Hello Guys,

Any updates in indiana labor processing?even though I know
the answer would be no,just wanted to findout what is going on
Labor Filed in Apr 2002

I work for a one of the largest manufacturer in Indiana,
My Labor was filed in March 2002 in RIR category and unfortunately I on 8th yr extension. Just living in a dispair and hoping that company should not layoff. Just counting and breathing through day by day with unknow fate.
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