Indian Passport Renunciation Form


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Trying to apply for an Indian visa for first time after getting US citizenship, and as per the website you have to send your Indian passport along with a renunciation form. Page 2 of this form says :

"I, the undersigned, hereby state that I am an citizen otherwise than by naturalisation that I am householder; and that I am not the solicitor or agent of..........................................
I vouch for the correctness of the statements made by........................................ in his
application for.............................................

Aside from the fact that "I am an Citizen" is gramatically incorrect ( "a Citizen"), can anyone make sense of the sentence "that I am an citizen otherwise than by naturalisation that I am householder" ?

Taken literally does this mean the person vouching this must be natural born Citizen of the US and be the owner of a house ?

and "and that I am not the solicitor or agent of of.......................................... " Do you fill out here the name of the applicant ?

Also, can the same person vouch and notarize the form or you need 2 different people - one to vouch and one to notarize it ?
I recently contact the visa outsourcing firm and they asked me to fill out only the first page of renunciation form. They also said that no notarization is required. This was the San Francisco office of the firm.
I just spoke to the representative regarding this renunciation form..She did confirm that 2nd page is no longer required..So you can forget about the second page of renunciation form.

Does anyone know how far is Washington D.C Indian Consulate(Massachusetts Ave) from this Passport issuing office..Planning to drive there tomorrow morning to pick my US and Indian passports from Indian consulate and then back to visa issuing office..I was told by the visa processing guys that i need to submit my form before 11:00AM inorder to get the visa personally on the same day..

BTW I've applied for my PIO card on May30th..Till now no progress..Hence withdrawing PIO for the time being as i need to travel india during the weekend.
In NYC you can get it cancelled in person by submitting your US & Indian passport

I cancelled my passport 2 weeks ago. Just walked in and gave my US passport and Indian passort to the person at the counter. I was asked to wait and within 20min they returned both the passport with the cancelled stamp and a statement on the 1st page " Acquired US citizenship"
need help to get an indian visa

I recently contact the visa outsourcing firm and they asked me to fill out only the first page of renunciation form. They also said that no notarization is required. This was the San Francisco office of the firm.

hi, i am confused to complete this renuncitaion form, will you advised me how i can complete this form
Hi Sapna

Here's what I did for my application (as a matter, I did it last night :) ) and it was accepted by the SF office today without any issues -

1) You just need to fill out page 1 only
2) Please fill out your personal details on page 1 as it appears on the passport
3) Ignore page 2

This should not take more than 5 mins to fill out. Please let me know if you need more help.

yeah, page 2 should be ignored, according to many people applying for visa after getting their US citizenship.
Page 2 - Depends on the state where you are residing

I called travisa to get some help on the 2nd page, and was informed that the page needs to be filled depending on which state you are currently residing.
As a viriginia resident, I had to fill in.

The representative said, the first and second blank should be filled with the "applicant name". The third blank should be filled as "Indian Visa".
And, rest of the 2nd page should be filled by the notary/notarizer.

Hope this helps.

yeah, page 2 should be ignored, according to many people applying for visa after getting their US citizenship.