Indian Passport renewal question!


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First of all my apologies for posting it here..
Does any one know what is an index card, while applying for renewal of the Indian passport? How long does it take as my I485 is pending? Many thanks.
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I applied for passport renewal about 3 weeks ago. I got my new passpoart from NY consulate within 10 days including the mailing time.
My wife got her passpoart renewed in 6 days.

They are efficient.

I don\'t know what the Index card is used for but it is just another form where you need to fill in information such as Address in India, Parents\' name, EAD card Number , Passport # etc.

Don\'t worry. Go ahead and get it renewed. It does not matter whether your I485 is pending or not. Mine is still pending.

If you go to NY consulate personally you will get it the same day. A friend of mine got his renewed in a day.
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Last year I renewed my indian passport by mail, thru new york consulate. Index card is soemthing they will send you when you
call them and ask for application for passport renewal. It has
basic information, with a place for photograph. (Looks a little
bigger than a library index card).

I sent my application forms, fee, all documents, etc in FEDEX
to New York consulate and I paid for express mail return service.
I got my new passport in 6 days by speed post. When I sent the application I was little skeptical that when I might get it back.
But to my surprize, they are very efficient, got it in 6 days.

Hope this helps.

If you need further info please post in this message board.

Good Luck
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Thanks guys for all the information, looks like all the forms are now available on line. I sent once for Visa renewal to State Dept via FedEx and the people at that place misplaced and nlost my passport and I suspected FedEx goof up initially, but after a month and half later State Dept acknowledged their mistake (they say it was found in another applicant\'s material, but refused to pay for the money incurred in applying for new passports, $400 non-refundable amount paid to Indian Embassy!).
I learned my mistake and will send only by Certified mail (It helps at least in showing proof, where as FedEx will show you proof of receiving person\'s signature. I guess everything boils down to how helpful one is at any dept...even after having all these signatures..)

Just some blah..blah from my side hoping it will help some one to be cautious with passports...Anyway thanks all for the info...
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Thanks intrepid, I have one more question...
My passport renewal is due in 8/2001. I might have to do GC stamping before the expiration. Do u have any suggestation on what should I do?? Should I renew after the GC stamping or renew before stamping??