Indian passport expiring in January 2010


New Member
Me and my wife got greencard on June 30 2005. I have seen that eligibility to file N400 as 5 years after GC but many people here mention we can apply 90 days before where did they see that on USCIS website?
Is there any chance of losing application money for applying early?

My wife's Indian passport expiring on January 30 2010. Is it necessary for her to apply for new Indian passport. My friends told me that they never ask about old passport.
She has 8 years of tax return and driving record crystal clear.
Can we appluy on April 3 2010 directly for US passport?
What we can do if we need to travel abroad for some emergency ( we are not expecting any)?
u need to apply N400 on 4/1/2010 or later and wait to get approved before applying for US passport. Complete process takes around anywhere from 4 - 7 months depends upon local DO. There is no need to apply for Indian PP if there is no travel plans.