Indian Passport Cancelled but cornres NOT cut


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In general what I have seen and heard that when your Indian Passport is cancelled then CGI/Indian Embassy cut the corner of the old Indian Passport and also stamps "Cancelled" in the pages of old Indian Passport.

But when I got my Indian Passport back after getting OCI then this time CGI Chicago has NOT cut the corner of the passport and ONLY wrote "Cancelled" in the few pages of the Indian Passport. I am just wondering if this is some new way of cancelling of passport or did CGI make some mistake in cancelling my passport?

If you have received OCI recently then can you please let me know how your passport was cancelled? Was the corner cut or not?

Thanks for your feedback.
My passport was also only marked Cancelled by Washington DC folks, corners were not cut.
havefun - Last week my son got his PIO card from CGI Chicago. His Indian passport was only marked as cancelled by CGI Chicago, corners were not cut.