Indian friends what is meaning

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I don\'t mean it of course, just wanted to see how that "fattu",
Vishnu Mahadev reacts in this bad economy when someone insults
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Its not worth getting into a bitch session with him.
though the fact that you are not a green card holder shouldent hold you back.
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thank friends. i call him that everyday for last 2 yrers in my mind .when i get green card i will telll him on face. bastard.sister fuxker.i will put great wall in his assshole when i get aproved
Waiter2001 and Xinhua Cheng

Haterd breeds hatred.
Insults and bad word breed bad words
Fights breed fights.
One has to think about the priorities in his/her life before getting into ugly fights.

I never want anybody to accept insults and injustice meekly but using bad words back does not get anybody anywhere.
What is the difference between your boss and you if you both start using the same language when angry.

Xinhua, now since you know the meaning of the word, I suggest you to talk to 10 fellow workers at right time and apprach your ugly boss and tell him, " In our culture, we do not do such ugly things. You have no right to abuse me this way and I expect your sincere apology. If he doesn\'t give his apology, go to his boss and narrate the story. If the biggest boss does not make your boss apologize then it is upto you whether to continue or change your job"

Remember, You don\'t become one what others call you. Also your Indian boss may not know that you now know the meaning of the word. Write on the piece of the paper the word and the meaning of the word and write the line I gave you on the paper and give it to him today.

There have been instances where powerful people got insulted but instead of engaging in petty fights they continued their work and prospered more than than the person insulted him/her.

Also, find out the good qualities in bad boss, there has to be some otherwise he would not reach there and learn from them.

World belongs to wise people and not to those who waste time in revenge, vengence or petty fights.

Al the best, we are with you.
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Despite your preaching in your long message, the fact is that you
don\'t have the right to mislead someone by telling him the wrong
meaning. Look at your original posting, which you didn\'t even hesitate
posting (it was out in 3 minutes of the original question):

"It means - Do your work more religiously in the bad economy."

What Xinhua wants to do in his situation is his decision. He didn\'t
really ask for anyone\'s advise on what he should do.

At least what we can do is not mislead someone from another country who
doesn\'t understand our language.

I was just disappointed by your response and want to show my concern
that we should be respectful to our friends who are in the same boat.

Mitr - Waiter2001 Truth that hurts people

I wanted to put the comments made by the concerned boss into right perspective.
Obviously an India boss using a Hindi bad word to chinese or Chinese boss using chinese bad word to Indian
subordinate is not to be taken literally. If anyone wants to understand the bad word then he would use the common language.

The expresion of the outburst of not fulfilling ( appropriate or disappropriate) demands have no literal meaning.

In India many Moms tell the son " Mar Ja" ( You die) at one or other point out of frustartion of his/her indiscipline
The word "You Die" has no literal meaning. Now if you tell the son that your mom is preaching you to die , you are THEN misleading the person.

It is open secret that boss calling any subordinate "Matterchod" in the office does not really mean he /she is a "Motherfucker"
It is a bad way of expressing your anger. The remedy is not mutiliating the truth by giving the literal meaning and put oil in the fire.

I did not give the literal meaning of the word, I gave the meaning of what boss said.
I may not be 100% correct but then "That TRUTH which creates haterd between two close working people on false grounds has no value."
To each his own.

If Xiuan has professional maturity , he will understand what I am saying otherwise the guns are available in the market dime a dozen.

We decide our fate, it is upto us to see the realities through illusion.

Whom are we kidding.
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One thing I\'ve noticed is that
bosses who have gone through the immigration
process themselves are by far the worse.

Whether they be Indian, Chinese or whatever,
the ones who know how much a GC means to someone,
really try to exploit it (unfortunately).
I agree completely

I think working for an American Boss is a whole lot better than working for an Indian or Chineese who can exploit you based on your situation.
For some people it is a common word,and they do not

For some people it is a common word(like "you know what"),and they do not really mean it, thou they have to stop using that...just being positive
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thankx friends. I have another friend who told to tell my boss "bhausadika tera maa ka chuth". i memorised this and i told my boss this. friend told me means \'please dont give me badmouthing\' .so after a meeting i called boss and told him that.he did not say anything but went to water cooller and drank glass of water. dont knwo what happened and what he think.

Its enough. Pls. stop it now. This board has been made available to you guys for a different purpose.
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"hello" U are right. He is not chinku. But i enjoy this and can create a joke out off it.