Indian Consulate Cp\'ers


I called chennai consulate yesterday and they told me that they are councilling on 25 th June, my Interview date. I heard that only non-essential staff is leaving.
that\'s not good news for us..

details are at

Guys, what if consulates are shut down due a war bet India and pak?
they might shut down even if situation gets too tense.

how will that affect us?
can we file for 485 after consulate has recvd pkt 3 and created case?
how? can we apply to any other consulates in any other countries?
lets discuss our options now itself guys..and hope that situation at border get resolved peacefully.

Why such feeling ???

The mood of some of the people who posted their concern about the delay due to war .. seems to me that they feel that war is a big hassle.. like a traffic jam on your way to work? How selfish can you guys get?

What good is your green card when there are no jobs here in US? That time, such people suck up their way back to India. So, be sensitive to what is happening in India.. the situation has not come up just like that. There are strong reasons for it.. and learn to respect the situation the country is going through.

Grow beyond thinking about the 2 month delay it may cause for your dreams to come true..

- Akashvani
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Sorry to disagree.. This board is an immigration related board. We are here to discuss how current affairs (US Congress discussions, INS policy changes and even India-Pak tensions) affect the immigration process.

By discussing this subject at a board which is meant for this very purpose does not in anyway show us as insensitive. For discussions about the \'greater good\' there are other sites which we can visit.

At this site, unless you discuss immigration related problems, you are straying away from the purpose of this forum just as you would if you would bring up immigration related concerns at the other sites where we discuss current affairs and their cause and effects on India.
Called up Mumbai Consulate

I called up Mumbai consulate last night and the operator there told me that the consulate is open and they continue to process visas, both immigrant and non-immigrant.
Dear akashwani, Well said... What\'s a point of getting GC if there is war and

home country, relatives and friends are in trouble.
Why such double standards?


True.. this forum is for Immigration.. right. Then why were you guys discussing some \'Teri\' stuff in this board (refering to your earlier posts).. we sure are not interested to hear about the personal details between your pals.. even if you guys want to make them public.. ;-)

- Akashvani

you obviously are not a 24 fan.. true i strayed from the forum (and i apologise for it, but it was a response to a like-mided individual who understood the origins of my name) but it did not lead to a thread that quickly degenerates.

Since you seem to patriotic and hell bent on \'meaningful\' discussions, go here and i\'m sure you\'ll have fun.

Jawan "TAKE SOME TIME OFF FOR MOTHERLAND !!!!" 6/3/02 11:23am

- When plan A fails, you go to Plan B. Not Plan A Recycled
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Plz participate in Jawan "TAKE SOME TIME OFF FOR MOTHERLAND !!!!" 6/3/02 11:23am with idea\'s like your\'s. I\'m sure you will find many friends over there. Over here, we would like to stay focused on our goal - getting a GC in the quickest and smoothest way possible, towards whatever end.

And if you take objection to a couple of light hearted posts on my behalf (like your pal akashwani), grease it and .. well u know what to do with it.

(So canigetgc-new , didn\'t that post stay consistant with my personality ?? :)

- When plan A fails, you go to Plan B. Not Plan A Recycled
Expect Consular Delays in Visa Issuance in India

Expect delays in processing of visa applications, for both immigrant and non-immigrant visas, at the consulates due to reduced staffing levels.

This is what Murthy her 31st May newflash email msg.
As usual US govt has overreacted and pulled out

Just spoke to a relative in the indian army who says war is not even likely , India govt is trying to bring world attention to the situation.
 So I dont know why pull out non-esesntial staff (non esential to the US but essential to us).
No Title

As someone else posted here, the US govt overreacts even if a comet plunges into Jupiter ;-) And typically, so does Sheela Murthy ! She\'s a little over pessimist and likes to sensationalize news to promote her practice (dont blame her, she\'s a businesswomen - nothing more, nothing less)

I think the impact of non-essential staff will be there though negligible.. Its mainly the dependents of staff that will \'voluntarily\' go. After all, its summer here and the State Dept. has graciously agreed to bear the travel expenses.

Even so, CNN and others were covering US staff from Delhi going, and its logical. Wonder how many have left Mumbai and Chennai ?
Don\'t panic


I spoke with the chennai cosulate last nite and they told that there is no change in my interview schedule. so relax and wish every one goodluck in GC.


Thanks for the info. Im sure the others will keep checking. In the meantime, lets all pray that a peaceful solution comes out of the Almaty summit, from all points of view...