India Rising

Super Power != Super life

Quality of life, in my opinion, is based mostly on individual living standard - not how good/bad the country is doing. May India become super-power or whatever, political scene is not going to change and as long as those idiot politicians are in the game, life just sucks no matter how rich you or the economy is.

Never trust media, Indian or American, they always misrepresent. The real barometer for India’s development is not rate of literacy, neither the rate of economic growth. It is the percentage of Political idiosyncrasy. Politicians are so powerful in India, they could do absolutely anything they want. There are many things that come in the way of living your life, namely corruption, pollution, hooligans, racial discrimination (more in India! Taking caste, class, demographic/language differences into account). I trust all these problems can be tackled by politicians to a degree but no politician gives a damn about them.

My view on economic growth in India is, it makes the rich, richer and the richer, the richest! It doesn’t buy us nothing, except a little hike in our pay, but that hike is not going to rid us from problems, it may give you a psychotic pleasure of having a little more money than some of your peers.

So-called patriots, please save your time, I am not condemning India by any means. I am just saying living standards are low in India (I blame politicians for this!) and it is not going to change any soon. Hadn’t we seen the other side we would have no problem putting up with all the mess.

This is just my view!
Root Cause:-- population

The population of India. With more than one billion people and each one doing maara mari to survive and become rich.

I had recently been to India. What I see is there is that the quality of life is still bad inspite of growing economy. Some people mentioned me that the rate at which India is growing, it would catch up with US in 10yrs. I told them "Forget It". Look at the basic infrastructure. Corporation water comes once in two days and in worse times it comes once a week. Power shedding still happens. Customer service sucks. People lie a lot to make money and never get things done on time. How can we solve these many issues with so many people. The rising cost of living it invokes the desire to make more money and the basic survival itself would lead to corruption. No doubt the government is to blame for not taking stringent actions to control population growth. The economy growth, I dont think would sustain for longer period of time. with rising costs of labor and real estate, along with lot of floating employees in software industry has led inefficiency of the offshore and has raised many concerns about offshore business. Also moreover the software industry is fully dependent on US and European market.

Populatian, Pollution and Corruption go hand in hand. People are getting more sick day by day. It is difficult to get doctors appointment these days.

Anyway, with the topic India rising I believe it wont sustain for long time and I believe that the quality of life is lot better in US. I am not trying to condemn my country. I love my country and I do feel good when I go back to India but after staying for a while I feel that I need to come back to US. I have only one life and I dont want live my life fighting for basic necessities. If I have a chance to live my life better I will.
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