India expected to Okay for Dual Citizenship from January-2003


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India expected to Okay for Dual Citizenship from January-2003
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Nitish Rele

Florida: Come January 2003 and the Indian government is expected to okay dual citizenship for 22 million people of Indian origin scattered around the world.

This would first cover people of Indian origin settled in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Akshay Desai of St Petersburg, Florida, believes that dual citizenship will allow Indian diaspora to participate in all spheres of life in their country of origin, whether it’s the political process or business and so on.

‘‘I will apply for dual citizenship,’’ said Bimal Parikh, also a US citizen, of Houston, Texas. ‘‘Hopefully, that will eliminate the cumbersome visa process for me, entitle me to own property in India and, maybe allow me to be a part of the political process there.’’

Ani Agnihotri of Atlanta, Georgia isn’t a US citizen himself but his daughter, who was born here, is.
‘‘Soon, we will be making a decision on whether we have to take US citizenship as well,’’ said Agnihotri, who is president of the Georgia-Indo American Chamber of Commerce. ‘‘It is an emotional issue for us, for it would mean losing our Indian citizenship. How can you forget your motherland?’’

Like thousands of Indian-American immigrants, Agnihotri came to the US as a student. He sees indications that in the coming years India and the US will emerge as strategic partners in business and geopolitics.

For Vinod Vasudeva of Orlando, Florida dual citizenship is important as it would give him back the right ‘‘to vote in the country of my birth’’.

‘‘India is not far from us; it resides within our hearts. But when we have to go back to the motherland, it is a demeaning feeling to have to knock on the door (to get a visa) to enter your own house (country).’’ The Orlando Indian radio programme host said.

Opening up the doors will bring investments, he explains, which will result in more job opportunities, state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies that should improve the socio-economic situation besides bringing in critical foreign exchange
Nice article raju

Its better late than never, India could have done this long back. Now India is opening up its hard core protective citizenship regulations, this not only helps NRI's but also India. This brings so much wealth and investments back to Indian shores. Most of the NRI's in US and Canada are well settled and looking to diversify their portfolio's. Where else they are more comfortable than India?. On a Postive note, It also brings India close to USA because of the inter-continental transactions. If India accepts dual ctizenship we also join in the countries league like Canada, Mexico, Israel, Czech and bunch of other european countries. Ofcourse India was concerned about the influx comming from former British India (like Pakistan and Bangladesh) thats why India is focusing on amiable nations like USA.
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The PIO card scheme is already in effect for the last couple of years. Though it does not give you voting previleges like dual citizens but it sure does take away the hassles of visa problems.

This would be a nice discussion regarding the pro's and con's of dual citizen vs PIO card