Inder99...please help


Registered Users (C)
I have been reading the info you have been providing regarding C-11 and 183 days rule.

My case is where I have gor the PR and I need to go in Apr cuz my 183 days get over.

My question : What if the regulation is formed in another 1-2 months(which is likely) which says that 720 days rule is restroactive I still need to wait for anything else and if yes then what ??? What do you personally think of retroactiveness of this rule ?

any info on this will be appreciated.
It is difficult to say anything at this time

NOBODY CAN TELL YOU ANYTHING AT THIS TIME AS NOBODY HAS READ THE FINAL REGULATIONS and nobody knows if they will be retroactive or not and nobody can tell you when these regulations will be effective, all are waiting , I am not in a position to give you a good Guess.I feel that you should be be in Canada before 183 days, better be in Canada before April and till that time you will have some information on Regulations.
Good Luck!!
Apply for RIR

I called the Immigration department as I am going thru a similar situation! I plan to apply for Returning resident which will allow me to stay outside Canada for a year. Looks like C-11 will be effective by middle of 2002.... Good luck!!
Sunny Jay.....

As you suggest, RRP is mostly not given in the cases where you give the reason of working for non-Canadian companies(which is my case). My lawyer says that I have very fait chances of getting the RRP.

What is your reason to stay back ? Could you pl. forward your info./e-mail to me ?
