Increasing RFE's in RUPNET


Registered Users (C)
RFE's for SEPT cases have gone upto 37 from 18 a month ago .....

Any idea when we can start seeing approvals ? any news ? clues ?
RFE date filter doesnot work for 2003

On Rupnet, the RFE date filter doesnot work for year 2003... RFEs are increasing ...
hi everyone..Happy New's

what my lawyer "feels" ,and I agree with her..
She says that the DHS deadline was announced end of Nov 2002,and until the DHS comes into being,there will be no makes INS itself will not exist after March 2003,and DHS does not want the added burden of the pending there will be no approvals till March 2003..this is my lawyer's 2cents,and I agree with her here...
All we can do is pray..else to hell with the US of A....
This country is good..but not that good..we have suffered enough humiliation in the hands of the INS
Happy New Year Every one on this board.

I feel jack is right. I am not sure why? I am sure this level of re-structuring takes lot of effort. Why don't they just declare, We have stoped all approvals and we will start after so and so date so that we can live with that and go on to our lives until that time comes.
That wouldn't surprise me either. I can't understand why they just don't announce that. It would certainly save them a lot of time wasted on calls asking when approvals will begin. What a pathetic organization. There is no service or leadership.
delay ...

I think if we dont see any approval in next 10-15 days then we should not be expecting any approvals till March ( inferring jack's comments). Some times even though lawyers know the truth that they will not get any approvals till march or even till DHS comes into being completely they may not want to disclose it, because of their business interests ... probably the delay would discourage their clients from applying immigrations ...

I very much doubt AILA would not be knowing the exact reason or time frame regarding the delays ......