Incorrect Name on Birth Certificate

Arun Mehta

Registered Users (C)

My wife\'s first name is incorrectly (an understatement by all means) spelt on her birth certificate. Her parents have given an affidavit stating her correct name.

I tried to get her name changed on the birth certificate but the municipal officer will not do it.

My question is:

Apart from the mis-spelt birth certificate and the affidavit from her parents, what else do I need on this matter before I proceed for CP?

No Title

Orignal Birthcertificate + translation(if BC is in regional language) + A supporting affadavit by yr wifes parents that she is their daughter and that here name has been misspelled in her birthcertificate and that the true name is so&so should be sufficient for CP.
Wrong Name

I have a similar situation. My birth certificate is under a different name (B) than my current name(A). After my birth my parents got the name changed from B to A. However now that I have asked the registrar to issue a birth certificate, they claim they have no record of my name change from B to A. They are not willing to issue a birth certificate in name A. They are also not willing to issue NAC. What are my options at this point?

thanks in advance
Carry school leaving certificate with you.

The School Leaving Certificate usually carries your name and birth date. Mumbai consulate accepts this as proof of birth date.
Carrying an affidavit from BOTH parents usually does the job.
Other government documents with birth date can be furnished as SUPPLEMETARY proof.
Good luck
If you are ready to pay it is possible

I had the same problem with my name and my mom went and bribed the officer and he changed my name on the BC and gave me
BC in regional language

If BC is in regional language, would a notarized (indian) translated copy in english be enough by a notary? Is there any requirement by US consulate that translated copy should be from some specific authority.