Include in I-485 or not?:One-day Travel on RTD, Stamped RTD, NO I-94 collected.


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Hi, all!

I was granted Asylum Oct 4, 2006 and am preparing my documents for adjustment to permanent resident, which I plan to file Oct 6, 2007. I would like to share my experience of one day round road trip Travel on RTD to Mexico. I also have two questions and your help would be greatly appreciated:

1) I-94 not collected, but RTD stamped, should I include this first and only non-COP trip that I made as an Asylee on my I-485 application? If so, which part in the I-485 form, as none seems to be applicable to my case?

Background: I made my first and only trip to Tijuana, Mexico( Not my COP), as the principal asylee, using my RTD(alone), by land( train to the border then walk across the border, morning, Sep 22; cab back to the border, walk through customs, afternoon, same day). At first, the customs swiped my RTD, asked whether I entered the U.S. before as a student( which I did, in 1999, and maintained that status until my asylum approval), and told me that my case was out of his jurisdiction and sent me to secondary inspection. Secondary inspection told me to go to the U.S. Immigration Office nearby because of my "special case", where I got a stamp " admitted as a Refugee pursuant to Sec 207 of the I&N Act. If you depart the US, you will need prior permission from I&N to return, employment authorized, port SYS, date 9/22”. I told the IO that I am an asylee, not a refugee, and at my insistence, he hand corrected the word “refugee” to “asylee”. I went back to the customs line again, showed the officer my RTD and the stamp, who let me through, not swiping the RTD, not asking for anything else, and not sending me to secondary inspection . Throughout the whole process, I-94 was not asked for.

Here is my dilemma: The stamp on RTD only shows that I entered the US sep 22nd, but how would INS know when I departed the U.S. since there is no evidence of when I left the US? The road to Mexico from San Diego is wide open, and there is no surrender of I-94 or checking of any sort.

Would it ring the bell on my “1 year of continuous presence” if I include a copy of my RTD and I-94, or should I leave this one day trip completely out of my application as no I-94 change is involved at all?

Part C in I-485 asks the last entry to U.S., and the non-immigrant visa#, which applies to me only in the sense that I did enter the US as a non-immigrant student in 1999, and never left the US until Sep 22nd, 2007, when I entered as an Asylee, not on a non-immigrant visa.

Should I fill out in part C, my 1999 entry as a non-immigrant student, or my most recent entry as an Asylee?

2) The one year presence before adjustment to PR: two month gap when I was in the US yet with no official proof. I have employment verification from my previous employer for Oct 4- dec 31, 2006, and employment verification between March 19 to present from my current employer, as proof of my presence in US. I was actively looking for a new job in Jan and Feb this year, when I had no utility bills, phone bills or car insurance policy to prove my presence in US, when I was staying with my best friend in Los Angeles. I heard that bank statement is not acceptable as proof of presence. My best friend, who is a US citizen, wrote a letter for me vouching for my presence in the gap period and will get it notarized October 5th. However, I still have this question:

Would the two employment letters quietly let me through, and the inclusion of a vouch letter will only backfire because INS is probably not used to seeing such and it will only alarm them for RFE?

Last but not the least, I filed my Asylum application all on my own without hiring an attorney, so I would appreciate it if the response is not “ consult your attorney”. I am open to the option of getting one but believe that some forum members here have better knowledge and judgement than an attorney.

I apologize for such a long message. Any advice that you would like to offer me would be highly appreciated.

Hey shane,
I was a student myself and got approved asylum while I was in non-immigrant status. I applied for I 485 in July of this year. I am going to do my best to answer your questions, but all of this should be taken as my experience and opinions. And I do live in San Diego :)

1) I-94 not collected, but RTD stamped, should I include this first and only non-COP trip that I made as an Asylee on my I-485 application? If so, which part in the I-485 form, as none seems to be applicable to my case?
= Yes, this should be your last date of entry to the US.

Here is my dilemma: The stamp on RTD only shows that I entered the US sep 22nd, but how would INS know when I departed the U.S. since there is no evidence of when I left the US? The road to Mexico from San Diego is wide open, and there is no surrender of I-94 or checking of any sort.
= If so, why are you worried. Just mention the no. of days( And since it was a day trip) applying in october 6, 2007 is more than a year, so it works

Would it ring the bell on my “1 year of continuous presence” if I include a copy of my RTD and I-94, or should I leave this one day trip completely out of my application as no I-94 change is involved at all?
= No, it is not a problem. You should I think in my opinion mention in your application and cover letter.

Should I fill out in part C, my 1999 entry as a non-immigrant student, or my most recent entry as an Asylee?
= Yes, your recent entry as an asylee should be filled.

Would the two employment letters quietly let me through, and the inclusion of a vouch letter will only backfire because INS is probably not used to seeing such and it will only alarm them for RFE?
= No. In my understanding you should be fine. Since, I got my asylum approval I was unemployed for long time as it was tough getting a job in my field. And I did stay with my friend for more than 6 months in New York. And after a while I got a job and asked my employer to write me a letter. Besides, did the same thing and asked my friend to write a letter saying I stayed with her while seeking for jobs.

Last but not the least, I filed my Asylum application all on my own without hiring an attorney, so I would appreciate it if the response is not “ consult your attorney”. I am open to the option of getting one but believe that some forum members here have better knowledge and judgement than an attorney.
= No, I do not think you need to consult attoney.

In conclusion, I think you should write a very good cover letter. Because this is the gist of all and explain anything that is hard to explain in the I-485 application.
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Hi, Paradisecity!

Thank you so so so much for your insightful response! I really appreciate your patience and generosity in offering help! It is also such a pleasant surprise to find a member who have similar immigration background to mine! I live in Los Angeles( Alhambra/South Pasadena area), but like San Diego much more than LA. If you ever would like to come up to LA for a visit, let me know and I shall treat you a very nice meal in the area!

I am very glad to hear that you filed your I-485 this July.
If you wouldnot mind, could I ask where you are now( I mean, did you receive the Biometrics notice) in the adjustment process? Did you include your medical examination result in your application package, or are you waiting for notice from INS to do so? I am asking because some forum members advised against including it in application, despite its listed as a required element from USCIS. Surely, I would not hold you liable for any information provided as each individual's situation is unique.

I shall definitely take heed to your suggestions, and write a very nice cover letter explaining things.

Once more, thank you so much for your time, attention, and willingness to help!

YES FOR SURE . Including the medical examination(cost from 100-300) with your I485 application.

If you want someone to help you fill up application, contact this org please, you can get help. They only charge <150.

IRC Los Angeles, CA
3727 W. 6th Street
Suite 619
Los Angeles, CA 90020
United States
Tel: (213) 386-6700
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Well you are welcome and when I visit LA I will definitely enjoy that meal for sure :). Anyways, thank you for so much appreciation.

I did my biometrics code 3 on august 23, 2007. Yes, I did include my medical reports and everything that was mentioned (and was applicable to me) from the USCIS website. So I think its a good idea to include your medical along with everything else. And if you have vaccination records from college such as MMR, Hepatitis B, TD etc helps a lot and saves you $$$, I did my medical for $100!

Visit for more details:

Let me know if I can answer any further questions.
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Also a student

I was also a student who finally received his GC through asylum. Also, I traveled outside the US twice before applying for adjustment. I included both of those trips by enclosing a cover letter with my I-485 and I got my GC no problem. Wanted to add my experience as well.
Hi, Paradisecity and vdostoi1!

I am beyond grateful to your prompt and priceless responses to my endless enquiries! Once again, if you would like to visit the LA area, let me know via a private message in this forum and I shall treat you nice meals around the area!;-)

To Vdostoi1: I am so happy to hear that you got your GC! Congratulations!
If you wouldnot mind, could I ask whether you included the trips that you made in I-485 part 3, processing information, attaching your RTD copies, inspite that the forms ask for non-immigrant visa and consulate where it was issued? Or you filled part 3 with your non-immigrant visa information instead? Also, because we both entered as students first, did you include copies of your F1 visa in your application as well? I-485 instructions seemed to only ask for that if we entered on a non-immigrant visa within the past year, which doesnot seem to apply to us. I entered as a student way back in 1999 and stayed in the US until my recent trip to Mexico.

Here is what I filled out in I-485 part 3 with regard to my last entry information:

Last entry: San Diego/ CA, Date: 09/22/2007
Status: Asylee, on DHS Refugee Travel Document
Non-immigrate Visa #: Refugee Travel Document #....., copies attached
Which consulate issued your visa: USCIS Nebraska center.

Could I ask your personal opinions on this?

To Paradisecity: I am also thrilled that you got your Biometrics code 3 in August! That was appropriately fast! Believe it or not, I applied for my RTD in January ND Jan 22) but didnot receive it until August 6th! When I called NSC in late June, they were telling me that their system still showed one more month of wait time for my case when some forum members with ND date in April had already got theirs! Ridiculous... When you get your green card, I would like to celebrate with you!

Once more, thank you so much for your help! I owe it big to you!

Hi, Paradisecity and vdostoi1!

I am so sorry for my incessant enquiries, but I am afraid that you are the most reliable and enthusiastic source of help that I could find in my I-485 application!

I drafted this cover letter for my I-485 application and if you feel that I am missing the gist, would you kindly let me know? I am also attaching the affidavit that my friend wrote for me attesting my presence in the U.S. when I was between employments and any suggestions for modification would be cherished!

Here is my cover letter:
My name and address
Attention: USCIS, Nebraska Service Center
I-485 application based on asylum granted one year ago enclosed
Date: October 6, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam:

How are you?

I am sending in my adjustment to permanent resident status application based on asylum granted one year ago.

I was granted asylum October 4th, 2006 and have strictly abided by all laws and regulations governing my asylee status since. I have been physically present in the U.S. for a year since my asylum approval, working as .... between October 4 and December 31, 2006, and ......since March 19, 2007. I was also present in the US, actively seeking employments in between, and I have a notarized affidavit from my U.S. citizen friend attesting to that.

With prior travel approval from USCIS in the form of a Refugee Travel Document( copies attached), I paid a brief tourism visit to Tijuana by road, the Mexico border town across San Diego, September 22nd, 2007, returning to the U.S. on the same day. This is the only outside-U.S. travel that I made since my asylum approval and I have included it in part 3, processing information on I-485.

Enclosed please find my application documents in the following order:
§ $80 Fingerprint fee
§ $930 I-485 filing fee
§ Filled I-485, Application To Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
§ Filled G-325 A, Biographic information
§ 2 photos in an envelope stapled to lower left corner of I-485 with my name and A# on back of the photographs.
§ Evidence of Asylee Status: A copy of my asylum approval letter and I-94 form.
§ Evidence of one year’s physical presence in the United States in the forms of Employment verification letters from my employers plus a notarized affidavit from my US citizen friend attesting to my presence between employments
§ Copies of refugee travel document documenting my prior approved less-than-one-day visit to Tijuana, Mexico
§ Record of my birth in the form of national passport showing my birth information
§ Medical Examination report

Thank you for your time and attention. Your approval of my adjustment to permanent resident status will be highly appreciated.


Enclosures: Application for adjustment to permanent resident and supporting documents


Would you advise me to mention my first entry to the US as a student in this cover letter, or you think it is immaterial?

Here is the affidavit attesting my presence in US when I was between employments:

Attention: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Date: October 6, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

Affidavit attesting to Mr. ***'s meeting the one year continuous presence in the U.S.

I, ***, hereby attest that Mr. *** has met "the one year of continuous presence in the U.S. requirement", since his Asylum approval in Oct 4, 2006.

I am a citizen of The United States (Certificate of Naturalization # *******) and I have been a very close friend to Mr. *** since 2002. I firmly attest that he was

A.) continuously physically present in the U.S., serving as ****between October 4 and December 31, 2006.

b.) Mr. ***was also continuously present in the U.S. actively seeking employment between January 1 and March 19th , 2007,

c.)He has been working as a****since March 19th, 2007 .

I testify that Mr. **** has met the one year continuous presence in the U.S. requirement for his adjustment to permanent residency application.

I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that all above is accurate to my knowledge. Please do not hesitate contacting me at ****or *****, if there is anything that I could do to assist you with.



Thank you so so much guys!

In response to your cover letter:

1.) Mention the subject line before saying sir or madam:
Subject: Adjustment of status based on asylum A#
2.) DO NOT MENTION "How are you?" rather say Greetings!
Everything else looks fine.
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In response to your affidavit:

Your affidavit looks really formal and precise. I think a letter certifying that you stayed at your friend's place from this date _____ to this date____ would be fine. And as for your employer, just tell them to write a letter saying you were employed from this date to this date on their letterpad, signed and dated with complete contact information.

I think that should be good enough. But if you strictly want me to recommend from the ones you posted here either one is fine.
Hi, Paradisecity,

Thanks again for your prompt and valuable response! I modified my cover letter following your suggestion. I shall get my medical examination done sometime this week.

I plan to mail the package out October 6th, and shall definitely keep you posted of my application status, if you are interested. There is a chance that I would bug you again with questions before my application is sent and I hope that you wouldnot mind that;-). Meanwhile, any exciting news on your greencard application that you would like to share with me would be surely appreciated!

Let me know when you happen to be in LA for a visit. I check this forum almost on a daily basis.

Hi, Paradisecity and vdostoi1!

I am so sorry for my incessant enquiries, but I am afraid that you are the most reliable and enthusiastic source of help that I could find in my I-485 application!

I drafted this cover letter for my I-485 application and if you feel that I am missing the gist, would you kindly let me know? I am also attaching the affidavit that my friend wrote for me attesting my presence in the U.S. when I was between employments and any suggestions for modification would be cherished!

Here is my cover letter:
My name and address
Attention: USCIS, Nebraska Service Center
I-485 application based on asylum granted one year ago enclosed
Date: October 6, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam:

How are you?

I am sending in my adjustment to permanent resident status application based on asylum granted one year ago.

I was granted asylum October 4th, 2006 and have strictly abided by all laws and regulations governing my asylee status since. I have been physically present in the U.S. for a year since my asylum approval, working as .... between October 4 and December 31, 2006, and ......since March 19, 2007. I was also present in the US, actively seeking employments in between, and I have a notarized affidavit from my U.S. citizen friend attesting to that.

With prior travel approval from USCIS in the form of a Refugee Travel Document( copies attached), I paid a brief tourism visit to Tijuana by road, the Mexico border town across San Diego, September 22nd, 2007, returning to the U.S. on the same day. This is the only outside-U.S. travel that I made since my asylum approval and I have included it in part 3, processing information on I-485.

Enclosed please find my application documents in the following order:
§ $80 Fingerprint fee
§ $930 I-485 filing fee
§ Filled I-485, Application To Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
§ Filled G-325 A, Biographic information
§ 2 photos in an envelope stapled to lower left corner of I-485 with my name and A# on back of the photographs.
§ Evidence of Asylee Status: A copy of my asylum approval letter and I-94 form.
§ Evidence of one year’s physical presence in the United States in the forms of Employment verification letters from my employers plus a notarized affidavit from my US citizen friend attesting to my presence between employments
§ Copies of refugee travel document documenting my prior approved less-than-one-day visit to Tijuana, Mexico
§ Record of my birth in the form of national passport showing my birth information
§ Medical Examination report

Thank you for your time and attention. Your approval of my adjustment to permanent resident status will be highly appreciated.


Enclosures: Application for adjustment to permanent resident and supporting documents


Would you advise me to mention my first entry to the US as a student in this cover letter, or you think it is immaterial?

Here is the affidavit attesting my presence in US when I was between employments:

Attention: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Date: October 6, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

Affidavit attesting to Mr. ***'s meeting the one year continuous presence in the U.S.

I, ***, hereby attest that Mr. *** has met "the one year of continuous presence in the U.S. requirement", since his Asylum approval in Oct 4, 2006.

I am a citizen of The United States (Certificate of Naturalization # *******) and I have been a very close friend to Mr. *** since 2002. I firmly attest that he was

A.) continuously physically present in the U.S., serving as ****between October 4 and December 31, 2006.

b.) Mr. ***was also continuously present in the U.S. actively seeking employment between January 1 and March 19th , 2007,

c.)He has been working as a****since March 19th, 2007 .

I testify that Mr. **** has met the one year continuous presence in the U.S. requirement for his adjustment to permanent residency application.

I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that all above is accurate to my knowledge. Please do not hesitate contacting me at ****or *****, if there is anything that I could do to assist you with.



Thank you so so much guys!


I also attached a cover letter and did exactly what you did. I did include my trips outside the US in my cover letter and attached copies of my RTD and ticket stubs from my plane tickets, etc. So I agree with your approach. I also marked my attachments and refered to them in my cover letter.

However, I think USCIS does not count trips that you took outside the US that were less than 24 hours. You should still include them (that is what I would do, but I think you do not really have to worry about that if you do not include it. I am thinking this because USCIS does not require you to list trips that lasted less than 24 hours on the citizenship application. So in this case, this is your choice.
Hi, Paradisecity and vdostoi1!

I am beyond grateful to your prompt and priceless responses to my endless enquiries! Once again, if you would like to visit the LA area, let me know via a private message in this forum and I shall treat you nice meals around the area!;-)

To Vdostoi1: I am so happy to hear that you got your GC! Congratulations!
If you wouldnot mind, could I ask whether you included the trips that you made in I-485 part 3, processing information, attaching your RTD copies, inspite that the forms ask for non-immigrant visa and consulate where it was issued? Or you filled part 3 with your non-immigrant visa information instead? Also, because we both entered as students first, did you include copies of your F1 visa in your application as well? I-485 instructions seemed to only ask for that if we entered on a non-immigrant visa within the past year, which doesnot seem to apply to us. I entered as a student way back in 1999 and stayed in the US until my recent trip to Mexico.

Here is what I filled out in I-485 part 3 with regard to my last entry information:

Last entry: San Diego/ CA, Date: 09/22/2007
Status: Asylee, on DHS Refugee Travel Document
Non-immigrate Visa #: Refugee Travel Document #....., copies attached
Which consulate issued your visa: USCIS Nebraska center.

Could I ask your personal opinions on this?

To Paradisecity: I am also thrilled that you got your Biometrics code 3 in August! That was appropriately fast! Believe it or not, I applied for my RTD in January ND Jan 22) but didnot receive it until August 6th! When I called NSC in late June, they were telling me that their system still showed one more month of wait time for my case when some forum members with ND date in April had already got theirs! Ridiculous... When you get your green card, I would like to celebrate with you!

Once more, thank you so much for your help! I owe it big to you!


I did not include anything that related to my prior student status as it was irrelevant at that point. I received my asylum because I was approved based on a I-730 that my mother filed for me so I just included that.
I also attached a cover letter and did exactly what you did. I did include my trips outside the US in my cover letter and attached copies of my RTD and ticket stubs from my plane tickets, etc. So I agree with your approach. I also marked my attachments and refered to them in my cover letter.

However, I think USCIS does not count trips that you took outside the US that were less than 24 hours. You should still include them (that is what I would do, but I think you do not really have to worry about that if you do not include it. I am thinking this because USCIS does not require you to list trips that lasted less than 24 hours on the citizenship application. So in this case, this is your choice.

If you need any further assistance, I can send a PM with my phone number and you can call me and I can tell you the full story. Just let me know.
Hi, Paradisecity,

Thanks again for your prompt and valuable response! I modified my cover letter following your suggestion. I shall get my medical examination done sometime this week.

I plan to mail the package out October 6th, and shall definitely keep you posted of my application status, if you are interested. There is a chance that I would bug you again with questions before my application is sent and I hope that you wouldnot mind that;-). Meanwhile, any exciting news on your greencard application that you would like to share with me would be surely appreciated!

Let me know when you happen to be in LA for a visit. I check this forum almost on a daily basis.


Well, feel free to ask me any further questions you may have. I am all free these days as my contract with a company just ended :). I havent heard any news on my case, would you keep you posted if there is an update. Email me your contact via private message, I might visit Universal studios one of these days!