In serious need of some encouragement


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I really need to vent and tell my story. Maybe some others here have had similiar circumstances and could give some positive words of hope because I am losing it. I met my wife last year she was on a P-1 visa in NY. We spent alot of time together and it was like we were made for eachother. Unfortunately she had to leave her mother was quite ill, in fact she died only a few days after her return. Her Visa was expired at that point.

I travelled to India probably about 11 times in the past year to see her. We got married in November and I researched the I-130 process and came back to stay with her for a month. In January we were able to file direct consular filing in dehli as I registered myself as a resident and we showed proof of some joint assets we have in India. Prior to our marriage we conceived a child. In february the case was forwarded to mumbai from dehli with the approved i-130. In March we received packet 3 sent everything back. In april we receive a letter for a may appointment. They have a strange requirement that you submit all supporting documents to the VFS office( courier company/document organizers) prior to the appointment date. We missed the VFS by one day and they would not accept our documents or honor our appoinment.

I forgot to mention our son was born in March. We were able to obtain us citizenship for him but that was a whole ordeal in itself. The appointment was rescheduled for June and we made sure we had everything in order. The VFS office would not accept the affidavit of support or my tax returns. They said that can be submitted at time of interview. So now we show up on time for the interview, they only allowed her inside the building. I left everything for her organized so she could submit the documents remaining. The clerk who asked her for the documents was not very nice, she was trying to belittle her. I had included an original and copy of the I-864 for her to hand over. The woman insisted neither one was an original. So she completes the interview and they give her a notice 221g saying that the case is pending. They asked for the I-864, tax returns (which were all there). So later that day we go back to the VFS office to submit the same documents.

About a week later we did not hear anything so I take the 2 hour long journey to go to the embassy. The man at the window say wait here a minute and comes back an hour later with her passport and a new 221g notice. This time they are asking for copies of my passport for 10 years and written statement from me documenting my travels. Also my W2 forms, meanwhile my tax returns clearly indicate I receive form 1099. So 2 days later I put everything together and go back to VFS and give all these documents. They tell me it should be 2 days. At that point I really needed to get back to NY my work is here and I have been losing alot of business because of all of this. 2 weeks pass and my wife receives a courier at home. They sent her the passport back (no visa) and a letter saying we completed our administrative review and request you to come back to the embassy for fingerprints. Now they took a full set of fingerprints and told her we will call you when we receive the clearance.

From my research I am led to believe that the visa will be issued when the clearance is received. How long will all this take? I have a heart condition, I have putting off treatment because of all of this. My wife is alone in India with our son. I lost so much business because of my extended stays in India. I just want my family here with me, I feel so empty inside everyday and to these immigration people it doesnt seem to matter what a family is going through. Please dont flame me for writing such a long post its just I needed to vent and I figured this was a good forum to do that.
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Not flaming, but next time. please write in separate thoughts, ideas, using several paragraphs... it is very hard to read an run-non-stop post. :confused:

I hope it all goes well at the end.
What's the reason you didn't try to do the process in the US, one way or another? K-1, K-3, H-1B for your wife?
The direct consular filing was not bad. It only took not even a week to approve the I-130. My attorney told me if I filed from here vermont is taking 6months. K-3 would have to be filed in the us also it would have taken just as long.

The problems started once the file went to mumbai for interview. that would have happened even if I initially filed in the US. I am just praying this will all be over soon and my wife and son will be here with me.
Sent the embassy an email yesterday, surprisingly they responded today. Usually they take week or 2 . Asked them for an update. What they said was "we have received your spouses fingerprint clearance". No instructions, no next step. I told my wife wait a couple of days if they send a letter, she is 2 hours away from the embassy with a 4 month old baby. Hopefully this is the end of this ordeal.
I believe it is not the end, but a new beginning for you and your family, leave and the trouble behind you and focus in the future :).

Hopefully your wife and baby will be with you in less than 1 month or so :cool:
Im about to lose it. I emailed the consulate and asked them what is the next step now that they received fingerprint clearance. The answer: Please follow the instructions given in our refusal letter. Why is this happening, the last correspondence from them was we have completed our administrative review. Please come back for fingerprinting. Now they are holding it up again. I swear these people are making my heart condition worse. Now we have to sit and wait for their letter.
I cannot imagine how you must feel being away from your brand new family. Thats inhuman.

Hang in there and I will remember you in my prayer.

In this trying moment, try hard to keep a positive attitude, not only for your sake, but for your son's sake especially. Don't let your heart condition worsen by this immigration ordeal. You are now a husband and a father. If you can survive this then in the future you will share your life with your family in the future.

Let us know how everything goes. Good luck to you!!!
Thank you so much for your kind wishes. Just spoke to my wife and she is telling me the same thing as you guys. I feel like an emotional time bomb with this whole thing but I will keep strong and I will beat these pencil pushers. I honestly feel like they enjoy screwing with peoples lives. 1 day, 1 week, 1 year is all the same to them when they talk to you. There is no urgency for them at all. The worst part is its the weekend and the wondering of what they want now will just keep haunting me. My wife will go to the consulate monday morning and try to get some information. Thank you all for helping me keep sane. :eek:
Just a quick update. My wife went today to the consulate information counter to ask whats going on. The guy looked a few things up in the computer and told her bring her passport to the courier service (VFS) and that she was done. VFS told her come back friday to pick up the passport. I am confused, their email said refusal letter, the man in the window says its finished. So I guess friday is the big day to know if we are ok.
It may mean, that it is finally ready for approval! :D told you, just relax and hope for the best. I hope it goes really well and you will be with your family soon.
sassonyc, I'm about go through the same journey as you. I've been married for 10 years now and i have two daughters (8 and 4) and I've been living in the Philippines since 1988. I have just recently decided to move back to the U.S. with my family.

The mere thought of being without my family kills me. I feel for you, I just hope and pray that I won't run into the same problems as you have. I sure hope that you will be together again very soon...
Thank you, it brings tears to my eyes just dealing with this. But reading everyones stories and what they go through really does help. Group hug!!!! :)