Important: How is AP renewal going these days?


Registered Users (C)
Just wanted to get feedback on how long it has been taking to get AP renewed in recent times. I have applied for one and have waited for the 60 days suggested max wait period but to no avail. It is still not approved. I need to visit India and need to make plans soon, but am not able to do so because of crappy CSC. Please help!!!
We're in the same bucket buddy, and believe me - this bucket is not filled with ice for champagne.
My AP is WAC03-128, ND 3/17 - not touched yet. I've sent faxes and even an e-mail inquiry to div XII last week - no answer yet.

I think AP approvals have stopped totally.
Same story here

WAC-03-138 ND 03-31-2003. Not approved yet.
I have a ticked to fly on 14th.
I guess I will kiss my money goodbye:(

Anyway, I am planning to go to Laguna Niguel on Monday. I will report here about the experience.

Good luck.
WAC details for AP renewal

WAC-03-143 RD: Apr 7
App for Renewal of Travel Doc
The online case status says expected delay between 30 and 60 days. Sent a fax enquiry and e-mail got nothing back so far. Looks like dead-ends (without cul-de-sacs) to me :)

If anybody is interested: I just saw the RFE message for my AP 03-128 (3/17). It's likely for I140 or marriage cert.
Well, look at the GC syndrome, this waiting was killing me. The Ap is actually for my wife, I'm staying here - just to be in control of the situation at work.