*IMPORTANT* - Expedite I-485 processing request at TSC - (Sample Letter to Senators/Congressmen) an


Registered Users (C)
Based on suggestions made by "Azureicy" (from a previous discussion posting titled "TSC inefficiency needs to be exposed" ), i\'m posting this reference sample letter and useful link as a new posting for interested members for reference purpose.
For those who are not yet aware of this effort, this letter is intended to request for Senators/Congressmen/congresswomen assistance to make TSC more efficient in its I-485 processing like other centers.
Please spread the words to every I-485 applicant that you know in the TSC center. Hopefully, we can collectively make a difference.

The following link will provide names and email addresses of senators/congress members within applicants locality by entering zip codes:

The sample letter is listed below:


Dear Sir/Ms,

Request for your assistance to make TSC more efficient like other Service centers.

I, one of the (77,000+) I-485 (Adjustment of Status) Applicants in the Texas Service Center would like to inform your office about the major disparity in the I-485 processing time in the TSC - Texas Service Center compared to all other centers ( CSC – California Service Center, VSC – Vermont Service Center, NSC – Nebraska Service Center)
Various Processing reports for all the service centers indicate that Texas Service Center is the slowest. The TSC is still working on July 1999 cases. This has been the same for over 6 months. Other Service centers have been working to cut down the processing time to within the 180 day INS processing time target since late last year.

Listed below are the processing times in various service centers:

VSC - Currently processing cases filed in August 2000.
NSC - Currently processing cases filed in August 2000
CSC - Currently processing cases filed in February 2001
TSC - Currently processing cases filed in July 1999

As a direct comparison, CSC and TSC regularly handle about the same number of cases.
So there is no reason why TSC cannot adjudicate cases faster than they currently are.
Although, we know that processing times in the four service centers cannot be exactly identical, we do however feel that TSC can do better.

We know that in the past, individuals have contacted your office regarding their individual cases, but we feel that it is time to collectively express our dilemma, frustrations and concerns with the manner in which our cases are being handled.
Most of us have been waiting patiently for a decision from TSC for almost 2 years, but haven’t heard anything so far. Our fingerprints are expiring or already expired.
For those of us who filed employment based immigrant application, we are constantly living in fear of losing our jobs in this current delicate economy.

We therefore would like to ask for your assistance in appealing to Texas Service Center to adjudicate our I-485 cases in a more expeditious manner.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

(77,000+ ) I-485 applicants.
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I have sent this email to all AILA management people (P, VP, Director, etc.) and will send it to all 100 senators.

Together, we will make a difference!
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CSC I-485 dates went back as they had to process few
old 1998 cases. It doesn\'t mean that they are not processing
2000 cases.
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maybe so, but this is what the official data reports, and this is what the senator\'s will be looking at. if you\'re going to send letters then you have to have your facts absolutely straight or else you just lose credibility. TX has also approved AOS cases filed in 2000, but you can\'t take that to mean that they are processing 2000 AOS cases. the only real data you can quote is the processing times released by each service center.
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Transvaal, we do understand your concerns about the inconsistent reports etc. However, from information gathered from the CSC forums
Feb 2001 cases have been approved. Also when applicants call CSC they are given a more accurate date of cases being processed. They are never told 1998 etc.
Some of the CSC reports in the past few months also support the fact that they were processing cases filed after Dec 2000.
On the contrary, TSC keeps telling every caller they are still processing Jul 1999. Their report hasn\'t changed either to refute their Jul 99 story.
We do recognize that the various reports have been changing over time, but one thing that we all agree on, is the fact that TSC is the least efficient of all the centers.
So, What we are trying to achieve by sending this letter out,
is to expose TSC\'s inefficiency with the hope of making them more efficient, and also to make them give a more accurate account of the dates and statuses of cases filed with the center.

What do u all think???
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totally agree! Just sent my part to President, Senators, Congresswoman by regular mail. Let\'s work together to make a difference!

Qixin duo
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Hi, I have sent letters to following sen/cong/president/VP and attoney general John Ashcroft. And I also forwarded the message to all who I knew are in the same boat as we are.

President Bush/Vice President Cheney
Senator: Hutchison; Gramm.
Atterney General John Ashcoft

I want to sent the letter to James W. Ziglar, the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization also. However I can\'t find his email or mailing address. Anybody knew?
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come on guys..we need more people to do the same. so please contribute and we can bring some change for sure. Thanks
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I just e-mailed the sample mail to President Bush, Senator Graham & Senator Nelson of the State of Florida. My application for 485 and AP was mailed to TSC on May 22, 2001. I am yet to receive a "Notice of Receipt" :-(
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I got some reply mails from senators (not the automatic reply), here are two of them: (have any of you got similar letters?)

(1) from senator Nelson (FL)
Thank you for contacting my office. ...... If you are requiring assistance with a problem concerning an agency of the federal government, you must make the request in writing. Unfortunately, I cannot respond in detail via the internet. In the near future, we will have a computer program to assist us in processing such messages.
In the meantime, you can reach me by facsimile or through regular
mail. Please be sure to include your full mailing address with zip
code in any correspondence. My correct correspondence address is:
     The Honorable Bill Nelson
     Hart Senate Office Building
     Washington, DC 20510-0905
     Fax: 202-228-2183

Best regards,
Bill Nelson

(2) from Smith (FL)
Please contact Congresswoman Thurman\'s office at 336-6614 in reference to this issue. She can help you with problems with a federal agency since she is a federal representative.
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Good Job BK, Thanks for guiding us in right direction.

I have posted your message in www.isn.org with subject "Good Job BK, Please read *Important*\' hoping many will join your direction.

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Azureicy, You seem to be the only one who has got a reply so far. Please continue your great efforts regarding this issue.
Followup with the above mentioned congresswoman Thurman and Hon. bill Nelson\'s office. Keep us posted on progress.
Hopefully, our efforts will yield positive results in the end.
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I sent the letter to the two senators in GA and also my local Congressman. I am waiting for their response.

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I presume you are in the state of Florida and so am I. I also received the same e-mail from Senator Nelson. I am not sure what I am supposed to do next. ???
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Mastaan, I called Thurman\'s office today. They said they will fax some forms to me and then I can fax back. I guess we can fax the sample letter to Nelson and Thurman. I will tell you Thurman\'s fax # after I got her fax.