Important: Delhi Cp Interview Experience

A Bhatia

New Member
Delhi CP visa aspirants-

We went for our visa interview today and had a unique experience (I think). The visa officer, while assuring us our visa had been approved, asked us to return on Jan 2- first working day of next year. The reason provided was that they had RUN-OUT of December visa numbers for the EB2 category!


cp_wait & others who had their visa appointment around the same time, please respond with your experiences.

If I understand the process correctly, no other EB2 visas should be issued until Jan 2nd.

Please respond ASAP with your experiences.

Arvind Bhatia
No Title

Hi Arvind Bhatia

I had the same experience. I think they have run out of EB2 visas. They asked me to return in first week of January. They also told me that only one (either me or my spouse ) needs to go to the embassy on that day. It is frustrating for me since I am not from Delhi and I have to again travel to Delhi

I am planning to go to the embassy on 2nd.When are u planing to go to the embassy
EB2 Visas

CP_wait and Arvind,

Is this unique to Delhi consulate or is it a symptom of more to come?

Is this situation because Delhi consulate has requested lesser EB2 visas than they thought they would need or is it a wider problem in that the EB2 visas are running out for applicants from India?

Chennai or Mumbai CPers please post if you have run into this situation!
RE: Running out of visas for India applicants.

I think its a wider problem. Expect EB2 and EB3 dates to regress with the next visa b ulletin. Apparently there has been some accounting gotcha and the regression will be non-trivial
No Title


Where did you hear that there is accounting problem with visa numbers? Just curious if this will impact Jan CPers!

Appreciate your response. Thank you.
cp_wait: I\'m also planning to go back on the 2nd.

I did not sleep too well last night wondering if there was something I was missing i.e. if CP after all was not that cool a process. After finding out that you had the same experience I feel a lot better.

Clearly, there was a heavy rush for EB2 based CPers during the month of December.

Let\'s pray there is no more delay in our obtaining our GC.

Why don\'t you touch base with me once you return to Delhi. You can call me at my home number: 7211297.

By the way what is your real name? What do you look like?

Arvind Bhatia.
gc_hopeful2000: The visa officer told me that this was not uncommon.

He said that from time to time they run out of EB2 visa numbers. Usually this happens when many unexpected applicants from previous months apply at the same time. December is a busy month as it is.

I\'m not sure if this situation is unique to Delhi or not.

No Title


Thank you for your response! Based on your remarks I am inclined to believe that Delhi Consulate requested lesser number of EB2 visas than it needed. Since the visas are requested one month in advance, more than likely they will issue you visa from the Jan quota.

In addition the thing that gives me hope is that if the problem was with running out of EB2 visas for Indian applicants then they would not have been able to ask you to come back in Jan! However I am curious about your Priority Date, Could you post at least the month/year? Thank you.
It happened to me


I had gone for an interview on march 16th 2001. They called me back on march 25/26 for the visa as they had run out of EB2 numbers. Went back on that day and I got the visas. And it happened to couple of other people also who had attended the interview on march 16 and also I noticed some people facing the same situation when I went back on the 25.
So, relax and enjoy the rest of the trip. Go to Bengali market and have a Aloo tikki or a Samosa or a ..... at Nathu\'s. Can\'t wait to go back to Delhi again. Congratulations on your GC and a happy new year