Impact of US layoffs


Registered Users (C)
Massive layoffs in the US during the past few years has greatly impacted many new (potential) immigrants, regardless of whether or not you have a green card/US citizenship.

It is unfortunate that nowdays many layoffs doesn't start with a quarterly loss, but with a reduced profit margin level already. Layoffs have been done at an excessive level instead of being reaonsable. The lack of US government invention, coupled with the diminishing worker union influencing power, is to be responsible for the nasty excessive layoffs taken place in the US for the last few years. In this sense, the 100% free economy is not a perfect solution. Some regulations are highly desirable!

The impact of the randomized massive layoff is tremendous to US families! The silicon valley layoffs are among one of the most vivid examples.The cutoff of income source for many families has resulted in family diasters, especially for those with little kids to feed.

Let's hope the disaster starting from 2001 won't come back any time soon, and that we will have a new president this year.
imminfo338 said:
Massive layoffs in the US during the past few years has greatly impacted many new (potential) immigrants, regardless of whether or not you have a green card/US citizenship.

It is unfortunate that nowdays many layoffs doesn't start with a quarterly loss, but with a reduced profit margin level already. Layoffs have been done at an excessive level instead of being reaonsable. The lack of US government invention, coupled with the diminishing worker union influencing power, is to be responsible for the nasty excessive layoffs taken place in the US for the last few years. In this sense, the 100% free economy is not a perfect solution. Some regulations are highly desirable!

The impact of the randomized massive layoff is tremendous to US families! The silicon valley layoffs are among one of the most vivid examples.The cutoff of income source for many families has resulted in family diasters, especially for those with little kids to feed.

Let's hope the disaster starting from 2001 won't come back any time soon, and that we will have a new president this year.

Will America degenerate into a second-class country?
American popultion will reach 400 million and I doubt current
living standard will be sustainable without breakthru in new
imminfo338 said:
Massive layoffs in the US during the past few years has greatly impacted many new (potential) immigrants, regardless of whether or not you have a green card/US citizenship.

The key figure to look at is GDP, and that has held strong. With layoffs, the yard stick is unemployment numbers, and as it was posted some days back, our unemployment levels today is not lower (in fact, it is better) than the past 4 decades.

imminfo338 said:
It is unfortunate that nowdays many layoffs doesn't start with a quarterly loss, but with a reduced profit margin level already. Layoffs have been done at an excessive level instead of being reaonsable. The lack of US government invention, coupled with the diminishing worker union influencing power, is to be responsible for the nasty excessive layoffs taken place in the US for the last few years. In this sense, the 100% free economy is not a perfect solution. Some regulations are highly desirable!

Regulations? Who desires regulation? Business owners? NO! Tax payers? NO! Common Americans? Hell NO! Regulation stiffles growth, and makes it impossible for innovation and risk-taking to happen. It encourages corruption and bureaucracy. The nice thing about US is that the Government for the large part stays away from the growth machine managed by the economical engine. Let's keep it that way.

imminfo338 said:
The impact of the randomized massive layoff is tremendous to US families! The silicon valley layoffs are among one of the most vivid examples.The cutoff of income source for many families has resulted in family diasters, especially for those with little kids to feed.

Let's hope the disaster starting from 2001 won't come back any time soon, and that we will have a new president this year.

The recession started in 2000, and the seeds to recession were sowed in 1999 when the dot-com bubble went bust. That impacted Silicon Valley more than anything else. And the 9-11 attack did not help either. The Corporate corruption by some companies such as Enron and Worldcom were partial cause for economical downslide. Having said all that... the economy is nicely bouncing back, and every week you see numbers of more hiring. Any one closely linked with the companies will see that hiring is picked up and it is time to stop being pessimistic and life happy.

Vote Bush '04
China and India are best described as fragile economies. Those countries may have higher growth rate today, but their infrastructure will not support growth for long time. IN short, don't count on seeing China or India becoming first-world countries during any of our life time. India is particular has the risk of its hostile neighbors like Pakistan and China. It new Government that is more socialistic in nature (free electricity promises to farmers) will eventually slow the growth.

The 2003 estimate of GDP per capita for India puts it at $2900 and for USA puts it at$37500. Based on the 2 country's current GDP (which is skewed in favor of India), it would take India about 43 years to come on par with US economy. Remember that most of India's growth has come since the Y2K projects, and already India has stiff competition from China, eastern Europe and other places for cheap labor. I wish India all success in becoming a first-world country, however none of us will see it happen in our life time. Those are the facts.

Vote Bush '04
dsfgh100 said:
India is particular has the risk of its hostile neighbors like Pakistan and China. It new Government that is more socialistic in nature (free electricity promises to farmers) will eventually slow the growth.

Vote chimp '04

first-world country eh? Unlike the third-world country that it currently is?
And you call others racist on this board....

Maybe you can call your chimp leader and have him invade India and free it from its current socialist regime, eh?

That would certainly accelerate its progression into developed nation status. Look at how great it worked out for Afghanistan and Iraq.
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The US unemployment rate figures have serious fault. People once having exhausted their UI beneifits but are still unemployed are not counted towards the unemployed populations. There are also lots of other types of unemployed people that are not considered.

Is the current unemployment rate hanging around just around 5%, obviously NO! The US government use this figure to cheat people and the general public. In my friend's church located in the silicon valley, at least 25% of the people there still haven't found job. Many have quitted searching -then this group is taken out from government's unemployment figure. Isn't this ridiculous?!
imminfo338 said:
The US unemployment rate figures have serious fault. People once having exhausted their UI beneifits but are still unemployed are not counted towards the unemployed populations. There are also lots of other types of unemployed people that are not considered.

Is the current unemployment rate hanging around just around 5%, obviously NO! The US government use this figure to cheat people and the general public. In my friend's church located in the silicon valley, at least 25% of the people there still haven't found job. Many have quitted searching -then this group is taken out from government's unemployment figure. Isn't this ridiculous?!

Same definition of unemployment is used by every country, and same definition has been used by USA for decades. You are merely pointing out that unemployment numbers have a hidden margin in all countries. No big deal.

To better educate you on the issues, we do not measure unemployment by counting number of unemployed persons in a church. If that is the case.. my Church has no one without jobs. Does that mean the unemployment is 0%? No! We don't need unemployment figures be based on quack survey conducted by your friend in some Silicon Valley Church that you fail you name. Unemployment numbers are more accurate when they come from Labor Department. Let the professionals count unemployment, and allow the Church attendees to pray in peace, instead of being disturbed by your friend's quack survey of unemployment.

Vote Bush '04
Please don't get me wrong. I am not using the counts from church just to predict, that's not scientific. But considering the huge gap between public data released by labor department vs. reality, you have to question the reliability of government data.

For example, the government says silicon valley's current unemployemnt rate is around 6.5%, do you really believe that 93.5% of people have job? The answer is obviously NO. We have tons of people having exhausting their UI as early as 2002 but still haven't found job.
imminfo338 said:
Please don't get me wrong. I am not using the counts from church just to predict, that's not scientific. But considering the huge gap between public data released by labor department vs. reality, you have to question the reliability of government data.

For example, the government says silicon valley's current unemployemnt rate is around 6.5%, do you really believe that 93.5% of people have job? The answer is obviously NO. We have tons of people having exhausting their UI as early as 2002 but still haven't found job.

I am sure there are places with higher unemployment rates, and those with lower rates. In another post, I had listed 3 reasons for today's economical challenge in USA. The first reason I listed was dot-com bust. IMO, the dot-com bubble and subsequent bust is the biggest reason for unemployment rates in Silicon Valley and rest of the country. Maybe there really is high unemployment in Silicon Valley, but that still does not account for the increased influx of foreigners to Silicon Valley to find work. If unemployment is such a big deal, you would think foreigners would stay back in Vietnam, China, India and other countries they come from. That's almost a contrarian indicator.

Vote Bush '04
I wonder how foreigners can hang on with silicon valley for so many years without jobs, given the super high cost of living there. Please share your insights if possible.

I highly suspect foreigners still keep coming into the valley to look for job, because it's almost impossible given so many GC/citizens being out of job. And if there are any job opennings, companies are super picky.

Silicon valley is dead and will be dead forever! No one wants to invest in this expensive place any more, the dot-com boom won't come again. The real estate market, which has reached its bubble point, will burst soon.
imminfo338 said:
I wonder how foreigners can hang on with silicon valley for so many years without jobs, given the super high cost of living there. Please share your insights if possible.

No other place on earth has so much transient population as Silicon Valley does. Very few people come to Silicon Valley to live there forever. It is the place of dreams, with people coming to make it big and go back.

imminfo338 said:
I highly suspect foreigners still keep coming into the valley to look for job, because it's almost impossible given so many GC/citizens being out of job. And if there are any job opennings, companies are super picky.

Silicon Valley does not give priority to GC or citizens. They go by merit, and it so happens that foreigners who are ready to work long hours and are in their 20s and 30s are preferred over citizens and GC holders. It is the dirty secret of Silicon Valley that few talk about.

imminfo338 said:
Silicon valley is dead and will be dead forever! No one wants to invest in this expensive place any more, the dot-com boom won't come again. The real estate market, which has reached its bubble point, will burst soon.

Guess again. Silicon Valley is neither dead now, nor will it stall any time in near-term future. It is a thriving center of excellent thinkers and visionaries who drive trends all across the globe. Between 1999 (when the bubble burst) and now, the real-estate market in Silicon Valley has cooled off substantially. It has not grown as much as other parts of the country like Atlanta, Austin and Chicago.

Vote Bush '04
dsfgh100 -

I saw some of your posts on this portal and have a few questions -

1. Who are you ? Are you a GC holder or citizen or illegal ?
2. If you are a citizen what are you doing here on this site ???
3. You seem to oppose almost every post that's posted here...any reason ?
4. You seem to use strong language against JoeF - any reason ?
5. Why is the signature "Vote Bush '04"....? I hope you know that this is not a political forum. Then what's the use of this "slogan" ??? Why don't you campaign for Bush in the political arena.....Most of the users of this site are GC holders or GC seekers and they don't vote.....
6. You write all your posts with so much authority....what are your credentials ???

Don't take it personal but I saw your posts in the last couple of days and thought of asking you these questions.

Do not address this individual. He/she thrives on conflict. This site is a forum where immigrants (and I guess citizens who are sympathetic) can air out problems/concerns. This person is anti-immigrant, takes pleasure mocking our concerns, and has the “love it or shut up” attitude. Best thing is to ignore him/her. On a previous posting I listed the links for some anti-immigrant sites where he could find some kindred spirits in the hope that he’d leave us alone.

FunnyWait said:
dsfgh100 - I saw some of your posts on this portal and have a few questions
The answer to all your questions from 1 to 6: he is a classic troll.
For an excellent definition of a troll see
FunnyWait said:
dsfgh100 -

I saw some of your posts on this portal and have a few questions -

1. Who are you ? Are you a GC holder or citizen or illegal ?

US citizen.

FunnyWait said:
2. If you are a citizen what are you doing here on this site ???

I did not know this site for for non-citizens. Is it for non-citizens? Point out some place on this site where it says, "US Citizens not welcome".

FunnyWait said:
3. You seem to oppose almost every post that's posted here...any reason ?

Thats your perseption and preconceived notion. Is there a possibility you could be wrong?

FunnyWait said:
4. You seem to use strong language against JoeF - any reason ?

You can say I use strong language against blabbering morons, and it so happens that JoeF is often the biggest blabbering moron here.

FunnyWait said:
5. Why is the signature "Vote Bush '04"....? I hope you know that this is not a political forum. Then what's the use of this "slogan" ??? Why don't you campaign for Bush in the political arena.....Most of the users of this site are GC holders or GC seekers and they don't vote.....

That slogan is a reminder to myself to Vote for Bush in November. Do you think most users of this site are GC holders and GC seekers? There are 2445 members on this site. Did you do a survey of those people? How did you come to the conclusion that most users are GC foreigners?

FunnyWait said:
6. You write all your posts with so much authority....what are your credentials ???

My credentials? I stayed at Holiday Inn Express once. Just kidding. That is one funny advertisement. My credentials is long, how much time you got?

FunnyWait said:
Don't take it personal but I saw your posts in the last couple of days and thought of asking you these questions.

Don't worry. Its never personal.

Vote Bush '04
dsfgh100 said:
US citizen.
I did not know this site for for non-citizens. Is it for non-citizens? Point out some place on this site where it says, "US Citizens not welcome".

Good Point. It's not that US citizens are not allowed to use this site but it's meant for users who have immigration cases with INS or CIS. For example, there could be a site for diabetes patients and non-diabetic patients are also allowed to use it. But will they use it unless somebody's friend or relative has a diabetes ? It's not the law but a common sense. Will you go to such a site and start posting annoying messages against the diabetes patients ? Will it not be trouble to the real users ?

dsfgh100 said:
You can say I use strong language against blabbering morons, and it so happens that JoeF is often the biggest blabbering moron here.

Do you have any other members who also support that JoeF is a blabbering moron ? It's probably your perception and is there a possibility that you could be wrong ?

dsfgh100 said:
That slogan is a reminder to myself to Vote for Bush in November. Do you think most users of this site are GC holders and GC seekers? There are 2445 members on this site. Did you do a survey of those people? How did you come to the conclusion that most users are GC foreigners?

Please refer to my first comment. It's a common sense that immigration applicants will use immigration site.

dsfgh100 said:
My credentials? I stayed at Holiday Inn Express once. Just kidding. That is one funny advertisement. My credentials is long, how much time you got?

Your statement still doesn't list even a single credential.....Do you have any ? I really don't have enough time but have enough time to read at least 5 ones. Can you list at least 5 ? Or to begin with just 1 ?

dsfgh100 said:
Don't worry. Its never personal.

I hope you know that the people here are LEGAL immigrants or LEGAL immigration aspirants. They apply for immigration within the the scope of the law as specified by US government. If you are opposing these people or their cases here then you are opposing the govt policies of BUSH administration. And you still say 'Vote for Bush'....Isn't it a little contradictory ? Are you against all immigrants or immigration policy ? If yes, please start working on opposing immigration policies of the govt. in stead of wasting time on this board. Or you just don't have any activity to do and so you are spending time here ? Try helping LEGAL immigrants with their immigration issues if they ask for your help. Use your common sense .....which unfortunately I don't think you used while on this site.