Impact of calling IIO, from Murthy Chat


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Chat User : Hello, Ms. Murthy. Is it ok to keep calling the INS center to find out the status of a case?

Attorney Murthy : As long as you call the automated line it is okay. If you keep speaking with an officer, they make a note of each time you call. They have told us in AILA meetings that if a person calls too often and wastes their time, they will delay processing that case!! Not kidding.
don\'t think too much

First, don\'t need to call them if it is not necessary.
Second, if need, just call them, that\'s the duty for IIO to answer the call from their user, that\'s why these IIO get paid.
Third, if you do have trouble, just pray god instead of calling, if no, don\'t worry too much.
No Title

Well said. You are right, you should call only if you have a problem. Just do not call to find the status.
If INS is efficient then there would be no need to call

But the fact is INS is not efficient, hence all this problem. I think majority of people call because they do not get clear answers. Sometimes they get wrong answers, then people get paranoid & they call again & again. If INS provides some good way of communication such as web based system then probably people will not call so frequently.

Also remember that Getting a GC is probably one of the most important thing for an immigrant. Without GC there is no meaning & value for your intelligence, degree, Skills, experience, honesty etc. in US. Without GC, a person is restricted in his career.

So naturally people get paranoid & nervous & they call INS. I think a pain of an INS officer to answer questions is far less than pain of the applicant whose future is hanging on this one thing.

Ofcouse some applicants do call unnecessarily & ask some silly questions. That can not be justified.

That sounds very intimidating.

I suppose most people called because they have to, not just for checking one\'s status not long after filing. If the first call worked, they would not have called the second or third time. Many people would not have called if the INS approved all the case within their said time range. I had persuaded myself not to call until it had reached 400 days after filing. I wasn\'t given a clear idea why my case had been sitting there for so long without being considered and wouldn\'t being considered soon. It sounded like they did not have my FP. When I checked back about my FP (done almost a year ago), the officer said that he did not know whether they have received it or not. But he did mention that there would be a letter for REF to my lawyer since I had talked to the first officer earlier. I said ok, I would wait for that letter. At least this time, I know I would have something to expect. It appears that my call has at least reminded them of the 100 days delay of my case. I\'ve seen many people that filed 2 or 3 months later than I did have been approved.

I wish the INS had separate staff for answering phone calls and reviewing cases, or allows one to check one\'s status through email like what the Labor Department does for one\'s Labor Certificate to make a good use of the current Internet technology.

No one would be able to know that the INS would make a note on one\'s case for calling (overcalling-according to different standard)them if the above message has not been posted here (thanks for doing so). What if one talked to someone who had a bad day and might make an unfavorable note on your case? Shouldn\'t the INS let all the people know that they should only call under certain conditions to avoid the said overcalling problem? Or the American Immigration Lawyers Association should let people know since the INS had talked to them directly about this issue. It must have become a serious issue. I wonder how many people out there whose cases have been delayed or have various problems with INS had called but never posted on this board.

why you guys still discuss this thing in such a serious manner?
if you want to call, just call them, that\'s their duty to answer you, otherwise just to pray..
What the note they will write.... you mean the IIO\'s duty is to keep track who make the call, and who make more call, and who.. you mean if you don\'t make a call, then you will be treat better..? (I believe their duty is to serve the users.)
Give me a break.. my experiences showed there was no relation between the "call" and "GC", believe me, it\'s nonsense. Don\'t make a ghost to scare yourself, scare others.
Our life is not easy already.. don\'t make it tougher.

(but don\'t make too many non-sense call to offense them, they are human being too, and might not happy sometimes, you will not get benefit if you make too many non-sense calls. In one word, call them only if necessary)
