IMP. Pl Help. Employer threats to Withdraw GC Processing


Registered Users (C)
My RD for 485 is 15th June(exact 3 mth before). now my employer is threatening me to layoff and pull out GC processing.

Is there any way I could manage this or I am going to be in big trouble.
Anyone, feedback is appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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May be you can ask him to give you 3 months unpaid leave. And if you have got your EAD go and work anywhere. after 3 months he does not have to be keeping you on rolls. only thing is he should generate 0 pay slips. Check if he can do that. Apart from that I dont know of any other way of doing anything. Hope this helps. Good luck.
problem, he will not help at all

He will not generate any payslip as well as he is not going to give unpaid leave. It\'s not something becos of bench. So I can\'t expect any help from him. Could he withdraw the processing? When it will be out of his control?
Anyway thanks for the response.
Is your employer a desi company? desi SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell him he is a desi pig!!! TOO MANY DESI PIGS IN THIS COUNTRY!!! DESI PIGS ARE low creatures!!!