Immitracker. RDs with 2001 so far only 181??


Registered Users (C)
In Immitracker I found the following data interesting.

Total Registrations with RD 1999 is 584
Total Registrations with RD 2000 is 736
Total Registrations with RD 2001 so far this Year only 181.

What does this mean? GC filers reduced this year?
No Title

This means nothing......
Most of the cases from 1999 or 2000 were registered in immitracker after approval....
Even if they register before approval they do that after 6 or 8 months application which means majority of 2001 applications are yet to register.
No Title

This is for information:

It is not bad for 2001 as we only have data for 4 months in 01. At the rate of 165 records for 4 months, we may get for the full year about 500 records.

It is true that about 20 to 30% cases gets registered on approval ( mostly because I collect cases at approval time, the rest of the data are self registered ) or when the SCs starts adjudicating cases with similar RD/ND. 500 + 30 % of 500 will make it to 600 which could be comparable with 99 & 00.

Ususally it takes about 2 months to get receipts and gets people interested in tracking the cases, but now the receipts are getting delayed way long. That explains for the lack of cases in May, June.

Of course it is true that the more the sample size the better the inferences will bee. But, I guess, we have very much sufficient data to understand what is going on; every record is not required for a statistician. Most of the ups and downs can be substantiated with real factors affecting the whole population, but if we do a data collection drive then one has to keep that in mind while looking at the data for volume comparison. That is one reason for no special drives to collect data...the hits we get on the site are very steady for about last 6 months, another indication for a representative sample population.

The NSC Tracker was started with 249 records in august 00, mostly from the existing NSC Tracker, and now we have about 1500+