Immigration Samachar.


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At a closed Burger King in Pomona, the management posted a sign in English and Spanish: "Sorry, Our Employees Didn't Report to Work. Thank You for Being a Loyal Customer."

Above the announcement, someone scrawled: "Fire Them."

Although many U.S. citizens embraced the immigrants' cause, others were indifferent or hostile.

Feeling power in their numbers, hundreds of thousands of people marched peacefully, even joyously, through the streets of Los Angeles on Monday as part of a nationwide demonstration of economic and political clout by immigrants — legal and illegal.

Thousands of businesses were shuttered on the "Day Without Immigrants" as workers and their families, most of them from Mexico, participated in a boycott of work and commerce, rallying to demonstrate their importance to the U.S. economy and to demand changes in immigration law that would give illegal migrants a path to citizenship.

Immigrants are looked down upon here. As long as you are not a green card holder, you are no different than a mexican worker. Just boycott work, because you are tired and u will be fired.

Offcourse, it is not the same case everywhere. There are good people and they treat immigrants well. They value you for your skills and treat you well.

It is unfortunate that after 9/11 there has been a strong anti immigrant feeling and most stringent measures are being applied on immigrants.

Retrogression is affecting Indians the most and the reason behind it seems a zero tolerance policy based on complaints and pressure from American workers. Most of these workers are lazy and sit and write complaints that they are losing jobs to a low paid Indian worker on h1b visa. People who recently got their green cards benefit the most out of this issue because any stringeent laws implemented apply to us only and not them.
Let me give you a different perpsective:
Yesterday Sen. King was on the 770AM radion and he said:
- He did a polling, picked at random by computer to 10,000 of his constituents in IOWA. He said that 97% of Americans do not favor legalization to illegal aliens. That is consistent with other long-term polls presented by Numbersusa and the majority of polls done so far.

Sen. King brought up the fact that the House will bring a legitimate debate on the destiny of this country. If 11-20 million illegal aliens are allowed to get citizenship, in 5-10 years the chain migration effect would allow them to bring relatives from South America. That factor alone would potentially add total of 85 million Latin voters.

Now this is what I am going to say:

- If you want to gain my respect, stop with this attitue of distoring the words such as "immigrant's cause". I am an immigrant and my legitimate immigration application has been ultimately hurt by this choatic influx of illegal aliens and their supporters.

garam.chadi said:
At a closed Burger King in Pomona, the management posted a sign in English and Spanish: "Sorry, Our Employees Didn't Report to Work. Thank You for Being a Loyal Customer."

Above the announcement, someone scrawled: "Fire Them."

Although many U.S. citizens embraced the immigrants' cause, others were indifferent or hostile.

Feeling power in their numbers, hundreds of thousands of people marched peacefully, even joyously, through the streets of Los Angeles on Monday as part of a nationwide demonstration of economic and political clout by immigrants — legal and illegal.

Thousands of businesses were shuttered on the "Day Without Immigrants" as workers and their families, most of them from Mexico, participated in a boycott of work and commerce, rallying to demonstrate their importance to the U.S. economy and to demand changes in immigration law that would give illegal migrants a path to citizenship.

My boss who is a 3rd generation european immigrant ... does not feel bad towards any type of immigrants.

Back in the days when his fore-fathers came to US in the small boat .. they thought there might be the last LEGAL landing in USA.
Well most of the people came that way .. took a sea route, some took the land route ... and worked there way up in the new world.

The same thing is happening now .. so what the big deal. Some argue that the resouces of US will be streached if the illegals are made citizens..

I feel not true : 95% of the US is still wilderness.. It has vast resouces. The biggest economy of the world can withstand all that... If not US then who can?

If one has to go strong in Legal terms .. then even Albert Einstein would have had been illegal.

I met a Korean Immigrant ... yesterday ... although they are all legal with Green Card .. they supported the MAY 01 efforts... He said, he wonders why immigrants try to categorize themselves .. bottomline is they are all immigrants.
Back to the days when his noble fore-fathers came to the US, yes, but they got a name for that; pioneers. Now 100 or 200 years later you already have established laws and a ten times larger world population. You cannot just sail your boat and stop wherever you want. The problem I have when people starting breaking policies is as that things "go around" and bite the people who follow them. I have nothing against you want to get in, other than it has been just proving to make things harder and harder for those who have played by the rules.

Now regarding the stretched resources, typically people who comes from overpopulated third world countries don't give a damn to the future of this country. Yes, America has vast wild sceneries and it should be kept that way. All you care is about yourselves. Pay attention to this fact:
If 11-20 million of people is allowed to get in, the first thing they would is file a petition to bring the whole tribe from South America. That may be a dangerous chain immigration reaction. If Lou Dobbs think Americans have no representation now, wait until you elect representatives to follow your agenda. Albert Einstein came here on another context and he was an educated individual.

It is on all over the news that in general, even legal latinos don't support this madness.

I don't know whether the concious people of this country will wake up in time to react to what is going on.

garam.chadi said:
My boss who is a 3rd generation european immigrant ... does not feel bad towards any type of immigrants.

Back in the days when his fore-fathers came to US in the small boat .. they thought there might be the last LEGAL landing in USA.
Well most of the people came that way .. took a sea route, some took the land route ... and worked there way up in the new world.

The same thing is happening now .. so what the big deal. Some argue that the resouces of US will be streached if the illegals are made citizens..

I feel not true : 95% of the US is still wilderness.. It has vast resouces. The biggest economy of the world can withstand all that... If not US then who can?

If one has to go strong in Legal terms .. then even Albert Einstein would have had been illegal.

I met a Korean Immigrant ... yesterday ... although they are all legal with Green Card .. they supported the MAY 01 efforts... He said, he wonders why immigrants try to categorize themselves .. bottomline is they are all immigrants.
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garam.chadi said:
If one has to go strong in Legal terms .. then even Albert Einstein would have had been illegal.

I met a Korean Immigrant ... yesterday ... although they are all legal with Green Card .. they supported the MAY 01 efforts... He said, he wonders why immigrants try to categorize themselves .. bottomline is they are all immigrants.

Categorization is everywhere. Why are African-Americans (generations later) called so, when caucasians are simply referred to as Americans? Why are they not called European-Americans?

If DOL and USCIS would have categorized us and the illegal aliens (245i) in 2001, we would not have been in this disastrous mess. This categorization should have been done way earlier. Our lives would have been so much better.

If you meet that Korean again... tell him that for us to lose a job means we immediately become illegals and since USCIS has our addresses and other tracking data, they will hound us out. Tell him that for the illegals, they loiter around waiting for different employers to take them for work, they don't need to maintain documentation while in a job and they have no worries jumping to other work.

There are very big differences between the two groups, so categorizing is unavoidable.

garam.chadi said:
I met a Korean Immigrant ... yesterday ... although they are all legal with Green Card .. they supported the MAY 01 efforts... He said, he wonders why immigrants try to categorize themselves .. bottomline is they are all immigrants.
If DOL and USCIS would have categorized us and the illegal aliens (245i) in 2001, we would not have been in this disastrous mess.

245i have not yet created any problems yet .. most of there labor is not yet approved.

well 245i might be a problem of future ... but currently its the preApproval guys who are in limelight.

Last week 2 guys I know, got EB-3 India 485 approved. Although they had there own labor dated somewhere in 2003 ... they were forced to accept the pre-Approved ones for faster processing.
ufo2002 said:

If you meet that Korean again... tell him that for us to lose a job means we immediately become illegals and since USCIS has our addresses and other tracking data, they will hound us out.

That's not true....
I have seen many desi's sitting in Bench with no pay for months together .. sometimes even a year. Never I have seen USCIS arresting them.
Sitting in Bench with no income for as long as a year?
I assume you are talking about a park bench because how does anyone afford an apartment with no income. Eating bread and water everyday?

garam.chadi said:
That's not true....
I have seen many desi's sitting in Bench with no pay for months together .. sometimes even a year. Never I have seen USCIS arresting them.
Are you kidding me?

garam.chadi said:
245i have not yet created any problems yet .. most of there labor is not yet approved.

well 245i might be a problem of future ... but currently its the preApproval guys who are in limelight.

Last week 2 guys I know, got EB-3 India 485 approved. Although they had there own labor dated somewhere in 2003 ... they were forced to accept the pre-Approved ones for faster processing.

Please tell me you are joking. Wake up and smell the coffee. It took 3 years and 8 months to get my labor approved only because of the 245i crap at the State and Federal level offices. There are many others like me and in worse condition in MD, NY, NJ, CA, etc. who got screwed because of the 245i deadline of April 30, 2001. So we basically suffered at the Labor stage and now we suffer at the I-485 stage.

Welcome to the world of "non-categorization."
Please tell me you are joking. Wake up and smell the coffee. It took 3 years and 8 months to get my labor approved only because of the 245i crap at the State and Federal level offices. There are many others like me and in worse condition in MD, NY, NJ, CA, etc. who got screwed because of the 245i deadline of April 30, 2001. So we basically suffered at the Labor stage and now we suffer at the I-485 stage.

Welcome to the world of "non-categorization."

Well I am NOT talking about the labor stage .. I am talking of 485.. stage.
My attorney told me last (2 months back) that he has filied many of 245i cases .. and he has not got any labor apporval yet ... But yes he expects some to come out very soon.

Your labor might have taken 3 years ... but it has not happened to every one.. My labor was filed in the year 2003 and I got it thru in 8 months .. It was longer for me .. some of my friend got within 5 months who had filed during late 2001 - early 2002. It might have been bad luck for some guys who got stuck in Backlog Centers.

I know one guy whose labor got into Backlog Center .. and he figured out there is no point waiting .. Applied for another one .. got it in 5 months... Well his older one is still in BEC :).

You must have done the same instead of waiting ....
The average american does not know or care much about what is going on with respect to immigration, they simply leave it to their lawmakers.
They are born in a land of plenty and spend much of their time focussed on hollywood hype............american idol and ipod! It is only when there is a major earth shaking event like 9/11 or some such thing that their attention is attracted.
I think that the majority of them still feel that immigration in general is something that is good, a few cry babies may feel threatened, but by far the vast number realise they are not in imminent danger of being over run.
The bottom line is guys is the following.
3) LEGAL FAMILY BASED IMMIGRATION AT ALL SKILL LEVELS IS TOO MUCH. All this nonsense with siblings and adult sons and daughters etc needs to be scrapped.

Fair minded people interested in the future of america can all agree to this sort of reform. Problem is it takes strong leadership, guts and an ability to resist corporate interests.
With all these issues mixed in lets see what ends up happening in this great democracy.
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