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Immigration Reform will affect DV lottery or not ?

Yeah sure, it is very sad news for all people around the world. If I am in US I will complaint about this bill. I hope that Obama will keep door for this program. Why the purpose of Bill is only eliminate DV lottery?
Yeah sure, it is very sad news for all people around the world. If I am in US I will complaint about this bill. I hope that Obama will keep door for this program. Why the purpose of Bill is only eliminate DV lottery?

Simple reason. Jobs! There are many people unemployed in the U.S and yet people are still coming to the U.S under the DV program, adding the number of unemployment.

Looks like this economic recession is the perfect reason for them to get rid the DV program. Congressmen who have been wanting to eliminate this program has just found the perfect moment.

Damn...damn....damn...Why can't they just leave the DV program alone!! :confused: :(
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Rep Goodlatte, Bob raised similar bills many years but never become law. But US's today not same as before including recession and Democratic Party nearly control the congress.

He is Republican and I think only if Democratic Party agree to eliminate it, this bill must be pass.

However we don't too worry about it. All bill raised by he regarding elminiate DV never passed from committee
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I received you letter

Ase number: 2010af00031343
pa name: Kamara,emmanuel japhet
preference category: Dv diversity
foreign state changeability:tanzania(tazn)
post: Warsaw
sent from kcc: 22 .04.2009
received by emmanuel japhet kamara:12.05.2009
Post: Warsaw

That means this case will be interview in Warsaw, right? if so why Tanzania's people have to go to Warsaw for interview?
I have a question related to word '' Post '' in NL.
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This Bill is very worrying. Although people have been trying to kill the DV for years. The last time they tried, MAY 2008, it also failed. The main reason it failed was because it was part of a much larger bill to create complete comprehensive immigration reform.
This bill seems to me to only attack the DV program, and given the current economic situation I wonder will other representatives and senators agree with this and vote for it?

Rep Goodlatte, Bob raised similar bills many years but never become law. But US's today not same as before including recession and Democratic Party nearly control the congress.

He is Republican and I think only if Democratic Party agree to eliminate it, this bill must be pass.

However we don't too worry about it. All bill raised by he regarding elminiate DV never passed from committee

I hope your right! lets keep an eye on this.

Check out:

This Bill is very worrying. Although people have been trying to kill the DV for years. The last time they tried, MAY 2008, it also failed. The main reason it failed was because it was part of a much larger bill to create complete comprehensive immigration reform.
This bill seems to me to only attack the DV program, and given the current economic situation I wonder will other representatives and senators agree with this and vote for it?

I hope your right! lets keep an eye on this.

Check out:


I think the main point is committee pass it or not, so we should also know the calendar of committee, what do you think?
Hi alemitmee, how things are working for you in Boston?

Hey there Tazmania, things are going well, I have managed to doge two rounds of lay offs in the last 6 months so thats always a plus :)
I am settling in ok, the winter here was very rough, snow snow snow, I was longing for life in California. Going to stick it out here till the recession picks up anyway and then see from there. how are things in your neck of the woods? I will be here a year before I even know it!! then only four more till citizenship, unless they deport me before then for drunk and disorderly as I am always out on the beer these days :)
problem is illegal immigration not the legal one -DV lottery will not be scraped in the next year or any other year -if not I can bet it will be expanded ; USA has accepted far less new immigrants then any other developed nation (far less then say EU) in the last 2 decades ; immigration "problem" is "based "on 12+ million people who came as illegal immigrants by walking over the border with Mexico compared with that 55 000 DV lottery immigrants per year is really a very minor issue; even with about 250 000 GC given per year to different categories of legal immigrants US is trailing behind say CANADA in alowing new immigrants to come and live in the USA ;just to compare numbers -UK is accepting about 200 000 immigrants every year to settle in + about 10 000 -15 000 other categories of immigrants + EU workers which probaly comes to about 300 000 immigrants every year -and the UK has 6X LESS citizens then USA and is about 40X SMALLER THEN USA ; switzerland accepted about 45 000 permanent and temporary immigrants in 2008 which is about the size of the US GC LOTTERY numbers ;
Hi bmx88, thank for immi statistics. I agree with you that immi problem is focused on 12+ million forks as illegal immigrants. But why many senators always propose the bill that eliminate this program?
as they would say here in the USA-"because they can" -it works like this -you have "immigration hawks" (senators)which can't do squat about ilegal immigrants which are now incorporated in the US society for ever -to break that bond they have to alienate huge voting body (Latinos) and practicly comit political suicide in the due process so they turn to DV lottery like the whipping boy of the immigration -its easy to attack DV lottery since it has no advocates -nobody cares about it since Latinos anyway don't use it to come over to the USA -I talked to many Latinos about DV lottery and almost 99.99% never even heard of it -for them its waste of time waiting for the results and then complete the paper work ;so problem is solved -they attack DV lottery in order to pretend that they are actualy doing something about immigration -like the VD lottery is the core of the immigration problem (LOL) ; In the USA you can find a lot of that "out of focus " stuff -many things that in most of the other "western countries " or the rest of the world would be out of place or just marked as unimportant or even stupid in this country (USA) are promoted as values or things of high importance -same as success which is measured only by money or possesions such as cars ,boats ,planes etc; You can for example give birth to lots of children but for some reason someone here might take that as (almost )an act of terrorism and you are as good as puting the shooting target on your back (literary )and invite every lunatic in the country to take a shot at you -in other "sane "countries birth of 8 babies from the single mother would be act of gods will and reason for hapiness and joy but here its big no no ;even more -for example you have thousands of people here who make tons of money just by beign "famous" by doing nothing -so to get back to your question once again those senators are doing what most of the country is doing in other fields of life here -they pick something irelevant to make an issue out of it in hope they would later "build" on their action by getting awards in the shape money ,influence , new terms in the office etc. and yet not solving the problem at all
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Thank you, bmx88, for your brilliant idea. It's well written.
By your word it seems they will close the door for this unpopular program.