Immigration reform -back than and now..


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Hi There Lady's and gent's !
I just wanted to say something about this Immigration reform , yes it will happen but not this year.
Maybe some of you will remember , of course if you are old as I am .
It happen same thing back 20 year a go .
In 1987 I used to live in Holland and It was same stories floating , like are now Rumors about Immigration reform , but congress could not find solution , and blah blah.
Than in February 1988 out of nower Congress passed than Press/ Ronald Regan amnesty program and lasted around 60 day's I know cause I just arrived in USA in beginning of January and amnesty started around in end of February 1988.

So my prediction is that Immigration reform will pas , and it will happen somewhere in mid of February in 2008. .Same like back than 20 years ago in beginning of Press year election . WELL Nobody can tell , it's just my prediction.

Immigration Amnesty 1988
* If you were here more than 12 years and you can proof it ... you become automatically citizen.
* If you were in this country more than six years you get Green card .
* If you were less than 2 years you get your Immigration status changed from Illegal to legal .
* you did not need many papers only something with your birth name and origin of country, of course you needed proof that you wear here for such years that you are claiming.

Proof could be receipts that you were paying rent, electric appliances telephone bill , car insurance , car reapers bills , or your pay check stubs, anything that had your name and date on it , mail , , but most advanced was taxes , and passport of your country, if you showed your tax returns ,or passport with dates of entry , interview was done
Back than was so easy you could go in MVD show some letters, your utility bills , your mail ,some documents with your name and picture in it ,could be from any foreign country and you could get Drivers licensees .

Ok if Immigration reform hapen , so illegal will become legal but what about us ??
I am just curios what is going to happen with you and guys like me that are waiting and try every legal system just to stay here, and you guys that are approved for PA and waiting for GC ore Citizen ship , will you guys benefit something from it .

For some of you who would like to ask me why I did not do something ....
Well I had working visa , and after I asked they said you cant cause you just arrived ......... But I had being suggested many options , but I doln't like nothing illegal .
Let see what is going to happen. :)
Legal aliens will end up getting screwed again in my opinion. Right now LPR spouses have to wait 7 years to get a visa, however, an H-1 can bring his/her spouse anytime. When illegals become legal, they will be allowed to bring their spouses whereas legal aliens would have to wait in line..
I oppose any kind of reform. I think it's unfair to citizens and any person that is pursuing the legal way. The legal way takes time and money. Illegals are a burden to any tax payer and use more than what they contribute. So all I have to do is declare myself illegal and then get a free ride. Man how could I be so dumb and follow the law? :-| ?
Your post has a number of factual errors. First the law was passed in 1986 not 1988. And second nobody under that legislation automatically became a citizen.

Hi There Lady's and gent's !
I just wanted to say something about this Immigration reform , yes it will happen but not this year.
Maybe some of you will remember , of course if you are old as I am .
It happen same thing back 20 year a go .
In 1987 I used to live in Holland and It was same stories floating , like are now Rumors about Immigration reform , but congress could not find solution , and blah blah.
Than in February 1988 out of nower Congress passed than Press/ Ronald Regan amnesty program and lasted around 60 day's I know cause I just arrived in USA in beginning of January and amnesty started around in end of February 1988.

So my prediction is that Immigration reform will pas , and it will happen somewhere in mid of February in 2008. .Same like back than 20 years ago in beginning of Press year election . WELL Nobody can tell , it's just my prediction.

Immigration Amnesty 1988
* If you were here more than 12 years and you can proof it ... you become automatically citizen.
* If you were in this country more than six years you get Green card .
* If you were less than 2 years you get your Immigration status changed from Illegal to legal .
* you did not need many papers only something with your birth name and origin of country, of course you needed proof that you wear here for such years that you are claiming.

Proof could be receipts that you were paying rent, electric appliances telephone bill , car insurance , car reapers bills , or your pay check stubs, anything that had your name and date on it , mail , , but most advanced was taxes , and passport of your country, if you showed your tax returns ,or passport with dates of entry , interview was done
Back than was so easy you could go in MVD show some letters, your utility bills , your mail ,some documents with your name and picture in it ,could be from any foreign country and you could get Drivers licensees .

Ok if Immigration reform hapen , so illegal will become legal but what about us ??
I am just curios what is going to happen with you and guys like me that are waiting and try every legal system just to stay here, and you guys that are approved for PA and waiting for GC ore Citizen ship , will you guys benefit something from it .

For some of you who would like to ask me why I did not do something ....
Well I had working visa , and after I asked they said you cant cause you just arrived ......... But I had being suggested many options , but I doln't like nothing illegal .
Let see what is going to happen. :)
Legal aliens will end up getting screwed again in my opinion. Right now LPR spouses have to wait 7 years to get a visa, however, an H-1 can bring his/her spouse anytime. When illegals become legal, they will be allowed to bring their spouses whereas legal aliens would have to wait in line..

What do you mean by legal and illegal in this context?
Hi There Lady's and gent's !
I just wanted to say something about this Immigration reform , yes it will happen but not this year.
Maybe some of you will remember , of course if you are old as I am .
It happen same thing back 20 year a go .
In 1987 I used to live in Holland and It was same stories floating , like are now Rumors about Immigration reform , but congress could not find solution , and blah blah.
Than in February 1988 out of nower Congress passed than Press/ Ronald Regan amnesty program and lasted around 60 day's I know cause I just arrived in USA in beginning of January and amnesty started around in end of February 1988.

So my prediction is that Immigration reform will pas , and it will happen somewhere in mid of February in 2008. .Same like back than 20 years ago in beginning of Press year election . WELL Nobody can tell , it's just my prediction.

Immigration Amnesty 1988
* If you were here more than 12 years and you can proof it ... you become automatically citizen.
* If you were in this country more than six years you get Green card .
* If you were less than 2 years you get your Immigration status changed from Illegal to legal .
* you did not need many papers only something with your birth name and origin of country, of course you needed proof that you wear here for such years that you are claiming.

Proof could be receipts that you were paying rent, electric appliances telephone bill , car insurance , car reapers bills , or your pay check stubs, anything that had your name and date on it , mail , , but most advanced was taxes , and passport of your country, if you showed your tax returns ,or passport with dates of entry , interview was done
Back than was so easy you could go in MVD show some letters, your utility bills , your mail ,some documents with your name and picture in it ,could be from any foreign country and you could get Drivers licensees .

Ok if Immigration reform hapen , so illegal will become legal but what about us ??
I am just curios what is going to happen with you and guys like me that are waiting and try every legal system just to stay here, and you guys that are approved for PA and waiting for GC ore Citizen ship , will you guys benefit something from it .

For some of you who would like to ask me why I did not do something ....
Well I had working visa , and after I asked they said you cant cause you just arrived ......... But I had being suggested many options , but I doln't like nothing illegal .
Let see what is going to happen. :)

dear care2much:

how are you doing these days ?

its nice to hear from you,

there are alot of speculations that the immigration reform will pass by this summer, i hope this happen so you can adjust your status and got your green card

take care
Legal aliens will end up getting screwed again in my opinion. Right now LPR spouses have to wait 7 years to get a visa, however, an H-1 can bring his/her spouse anytime. When illegals become legal, they will be allowed to bring their spouses whereas legal aliens would have to wait in line..

H-1 holders contribute more (period).
While congress was working on the
CIR bill last summer, many experts
suggested the Canadian model. But
I don't support an amnesty either.
Hey John Smith !

I Glad to hear from you , keeping bussy in my field ..... I am doing good so far exept this immigration .
What about your self ?? I do hope something good will hapen.

Any person in this world can and have the right to look and persue better life no matter wher.

So you are saying that law passed in 1986 but did not come in effect till Jan 1988 ?

Isn't that if illegals bocome ligal than they will buy Insurence ,bying houses, paying taxes, much more , and what is more important that gov will know who is wher ,and will be able to truck them if is nessery.......and economy will get a big boost.

We tallking about somwher around 12 million illigals ,one more things how can they estimate that are aproximatly 12 can they spectaculate this numbers ? some layers think there are much more.

I am against the way they performing this raids in those companys , hunting illigals , with guns barking dogs and taking parents from there children , puting them in big trucks and taking them to diferent states . It should be some other solution after all this is America the greatest and most humanitarian country in the world.
Hey John Smith !

I Glad to hear from you , keeping bussy in my field ..... I am doing good so far exept this immigration .
What about your self ?? I do hope something good will hapen.

Sory the rest was addressed to all of the guys that responded to my thread. ,not just to you , I am just not to good with writing.:eek:
What do you mean by legal and illegal in this context?

What I mean is this, when they make people who are illegals(no documentation) into legals(give them some temp documents etc), they will be allowed to bring in their spouses,kids who are out of country. In other words, I doubt it would be like that all illegals get a GC, it will more like, all illegals would become legally temporary but have to apply for a GC in say 4-5 years...that "temp" part will allow them to bring their spouses, kids..whereas when they become a LPR, they fall into same category as other LPRs..