Immigration Reform Act of 2007


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Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has introduced S. 9(Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007). The bill is a placeholder currently with no useful text. It is expected that text will be added later through a series of amendments.

The bill has 5 cosponsors. I am hoping the 4 year citizenship law & V Visa(lpr spouses) is included. Its expected to be passed june-july this year.
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wantmygcnow said:

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has introduced S. 9
(Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007). The bill is a
placeholder currently with no useful text. It is expected that
text will be added later through a series of amendments.

The bill has 5 cosponsors. I am hoping the 4 year citizenship law & V Visa(lpr spouses) is included. Its expected to be passed june-july this year.

Thank you for always shedding some light in the end of tunnel.
Could anyone please provide me the sample letters that I can write to Sentator/congressman regarding of 4 year citizenship law & V Visa(lpr spouses)? It effects us a lot. I will write to the senators from IL.

Thank you very much.
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Want didn't say it will be part of this bill for sure. He said, "It is expected" that it will be part of this bill which I think is not out of question.
samird said:

How do you know that 4yr citizenship will be part of the bill?

Because it was passed in house & senate last year. Both approved it but it never made it to the president.

One of the studies done by a group(funded by Kennedy) was that the reason for all these backlogs(for lpr spouses) is that many people don't become citizens. Either they dont know enough english or they dont think they know enough english. The 4 year citizenship was part of a backlog reduction initiative so that people who dont know much of english have an incentive to learn. This bill also gave some free money to people for english classes and all.

If they make 20 million more GC holders & do not address backlog reduction and integration into the U.S Community, the immigration system will be broken forever.

I dont know for a fact that 4 year citizenship rule will be included so thats why I am asking you all to write your congressmen.
I had my letter sent to Senator office about my wife getting Visa as torrist. They called me after6 weeks of harf work, and actually the case woker on immigration issue told me that they can not do anything since we have applied for her and filed a petition for her already. Funny part is she couldn't even find my damn letter, She said that she can not locate the letter right now and probably will be found after 7 years under lobby's magzines-Awsome people.
I asked her if she know anything about this new ACT thing and she goes, not as far as I am awar of it. I thought this thing will be buried as well as the rest of them.

Good Luck.
Nimche said:
I had my letter sent to Senator office about my wife getting Visa as torrist. They called me after6 weeks of harf work, and actually the case woker on immigration issue told me that they can not do anything since we have applied for her and filed a petition for her already. Funny part is she couldn't even find my damn letter, She said that she can not locate the letter right now and probably will be found after 7 years under lobby's magzines-Awsome people.
I asked her if she know anything about this new ACT thing and she goes, not as far as I am awar of it. I thought this thing will be buried as well as the rest of them.

Good Luck.

Nimche, these people have no clue.Best bet is to wait and hope that Congress takes cares of it. I am optimistic. I am in the same situation as you.
Nimche said:
I had my letter sent to Senator office about my wife getting Visa as torrist. They called me after6 weeks of harf work, and actually the case woker on immigration issue told me that they can not do anything since we have applied for her and filed a petition for her already. Funny part is she couldn't even find my damn letter, She said that she can not locate the letter right now and probably will be found after 7 years under lobby's magzines-Awsome people.
I asked her if she know anything about this new ACT thing and she goes, not as far as I am awar of it. I thought this thing will be buried as well as the rest of them.

Good Luck.

It will take some time before Congress will even consider immigration reform seriously (let alone make final decisions). They have a lot on their plate.