• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Immigration intent if you have already visited the country and follow the law.


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Hi everyone,

I am planing to apply for a A-2 visa (foreign government official, ranking next to diplomats and officials, representing their national government) by next week, however I am very concern that my visa will be denied because of immigration intent. I applied to the DV-2012 and DV-2013, but I was one of the 22,000 winners in the DV-2012 from May 1st whose winner's notification was void due to the computer glitch. I never sent the papers to the KCC during the time I was a legit winner, however I requested a waiver (and my government grant me with it, but I didn't continue with the process, however DOS is aware I requested the waiver to my government) of the two-year home residence requirement because in the past I have been in the US with a J-1 for 9 months. I have only been in US during the 9 months with the J-1 visa, and I always followed the law and not overstay. Also, I would like to mention that I am form Spain, so I don't know if this can help in my application or not.

Any thoughts? Do you think my visa will be denied?

Thank you,
There are low chances that your visa will be denied since your employer is the Spanish government. They won't ask you about the lottery.
Has anyone ever filed an i-130 or i-140 on behalf of you?


You ever 'signed/dated/payed' for a DS-230 or i-485 application/intervw?

If ALL answers are NO....then you are SAFE and no worries!! (provided other relevant non-imm visa reqmts are met)

Thanks kazore and NuvF for your comments. I would like to let you know that I have received my A-2 visa with no problems at all, in just to 2 days after the interview at the embassy (no question asked at the interview, just the papers).
