immigration fees drafts should be combined or separate for issuance and application fees?

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seperate...for each individual you would need two drafts.. so, if there are total 2 applicants, you should be having a total of 4 drafts...
Not true

You only need two drafts: Application fee (total for all applicants) and Issuance fee (total for all applicants). So if you have 3 members in the family, you need 2 drafts: one for US$780 (in local currency) and one for US$ 195 (in local currency).
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this is the query i had sent:


We have our Consular processing interview scheduled in the month
of December.
I have the following queries:

1. Can I take a single draft for all the family members?

2. Is it okay to give USD in cash on the day of the interview?

this is the reply i got from the consulate:

Each applicant has to have separate drafts.

It is your call now!!
novmunbai,yest only one guy posted that he made a mistake by takeing combined

draft for him and his wife had to come again in the afternoon to provide 2 new DD\'s seperate for each be aware of that and P4 instructions says that clearly.
application vs. issuance

Think of it this way: application fees are for processing, issuance fees are for issuing the visa. If your application is denied, you don\'t need to pay the issuance fees. So, they have to be separate. You can always combine application fees for multiple applicants. On the other hand, some member of your group may be denied visa. Hence the need for separate drafts for issuance fees.
CP Form filling questions

These are my questions.
I have read the instructions and want to get confirmed with you as you have done this before.

According to my understanding we do not need to send any documents other than DS-230 part 1. is this right ?
We dont need to send the photographs either. is that right ?

Things I did not understand are :

1. Do we need to fill two DS-230 part-1 forms for two of us (myself and my wife ) ?
2. On the top of the form there are some instructions which say, this form when put together with DS-230 part -II is complete application for immigrant visa and alien registration. But I did not get any DS-230 part-II form in the application packet. Will we be getting this part-II at the time of interview ?

Your suggestions will be greatly helpful.

Are you talking about P3 or P4...

Sorry, message was not clear whether you are talking about P3 or P4..

> According to my understanding we do not need to send any documents other than DS-230 part 1. is this right ?
> We dont need to send the photographs either. is that right ?

You don\'t need to send any documents as part of P4, you need to carry them all for your interview.
If you are about to send P3, then you need to send DS-230 part1 along with other docs, more info

> 1. Do we need to fill two DS-230 part-1 forms for two of us (myself and my wife ) ?
Yes, this is biographic data form. So each one should fill a separate one.

> 2. On the top of the form there are some instructions which say, this form when put together with DS-230 part -II is complete
> application for immigrant visa and alien registration. But I did not get any DS-230 part-II form in the application packet. Will we be
> getting this part-II at the time of interview ?
All P4s send to Indian address will have this forms. But P4s sent to US address will not have any forms other than appointment
letter. So, you need to fill (but don\'t sign) one DS230 for each family member and carry them for the interview.
Question about DD for Blue Dart

Can we have a single DD for Rs 300 for the blue dart?
Rs 250 + 50(primary applicant) + 50(secondary applicant) = 300Rs
Do we need to have this dart also payable to the same address as the Application fee and the isuance fee?
Thanks for all your responses.
Thanks a lot. After I posted my letter I have browsed few other messages

I have few more questions.

I did not understand this part of filling two forms for husband and wife.
Becuase spouse\'s information is taken on the main form anyways. Why do they ask for spouse\'s DS-230 Part-I.
And What should we fill for questions like -experience, intend for staying in US, etc.,

I have also filled OF-169. And thinking to send with the DS-230 Part-1.
Thats How I understood.

Then as per your saying I understood that , I better download DS-230 Part-II from somewhere and fill it and keep it ready for interview.
I am in US, so I wont be getting the DS-230 Part-II in the packet4.
Is that right?

Sorry for bothering with so many questions.
I just want to do it right. So that I dont fall into the cycle of correcting things and delay the whole process.

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230 part 1 requires lot of other information of each applicant such as where the person lived after reaching 16 years, applicant\'s
father and mother\'s names, DOB, place of birth etc etc.. which are not covered when you mention in spouse\'s application.

Covering letter, OF-169, DS-230 part 1 for each applicant are necessary as part of P3. You can send some additional docs
such as marriage cert or kids birth cert also.

Yes, You will not receive complete docs to US address. They only send appointment letter.

I would suggest you to visit to get more info on the entire CP process. That helps you.
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the blue dart draft could be a single draft for the whole family - the amount varies based on the number of passports.