Immigrating to Canada is worse!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,

Don't be misled by EASY "Canadian Immigration".

1> There a no jobs there....
2> Not many companies there...
3> The economy of Canada is worse than that of USA, as it is more or less dependent on US market.
4> The Canadain govt/Immigration agents makes money just on bringing people in.
5> You have to find a job by yourself.
6> Taxes are WAY TOO HIGH! ( around 50% )

Going back to India would be a very wise decision, and that too now.

Not discouraging you guys but these are the very facts of Candian market.

In 1995-1997 all the Hong Kong businessmen moved over to Canada after the Chinese take over of HK....thinking the Chinese dominance in HK would kill there business. Many of them moved over to Canada. That boosted the Canadian economy. But after the Chinese take over they found that nothing changed in HK so they eventually moved back to HK from Canada...killing the whole Canadian market.

I visit Canada atleast 2 times a year and find many qualified people working for tele-marketing, and in restaurants and opting for small time clerical jobs to survive.

So be careful before you guys venture out into immigrating there.

India would be a safer bet!

Iam planning to return to India eventually in a year or so too.

Luv you all!

RD OCT 2nd 2001
PP Stamped DEC 02
I don't think Canada is that bad

Even though taxes are high, the social security is much better. It is a more socialist govt. Medical aid is so much cheaper and of a high quality. The economy may not be the best but neither is the economy in the US that great right now. Sure, you have to find a job, but at least if you are willing to work at something, you are legally doing it. Here one is in limbo for so long, if you lose your job, you have no options but to work illegally or to return to the home country.
I think canada is very beautiful country and Health care is free which you dont need to pay not even a penny. If some one admitted in a hospital on emergency, if he doesnt have insurance in usa, he probably be screwed, He probably end up paying all the medical expenses for rest of his life. Canada economy depends on US economy. In canada, you might end up paying about 10% higher taxes in comparsion to states, but school system is free till graduation, Health care is free, and social welfare is very good. I suggest people who are looking for other alternatives, just a give a chance to migrate to canada. The processing takes about 12 months if you file canadian immigration in Buffalo, Newyork. You will get canadian citizen 3 yrs after you migrate to canada, Once you have canadian citizenship, you can come to USA any time, and work here on TN visa.
1> There a no jobs there....

There are jobs in Canada, all of my friends are still employed there in the IT field. Having said that, the overall number of jobs is less than the USA and the pay is less.
But the persons I have spoken to are quite satisfied with the work/quality of life balance that Canada offers. If you want to make money, then the way to go is Dubai- not US or Canada.

2> Not many companies there...

Correct. The population of Canada is also less.

3> The economy of Canada is worse than that of USA, as it is more or less dependent on US market.

True to an extent. Don't forget the huge social security net in Canada, though. Do you know how many persons cannot afford proper medical care in the US? Are you aware of so many US citizens going to Canada to buy cheaper medicines?

4> The Canadain govt/Immigration agents makes money just on bringing people in.

What do you expect the Canadian govt to do? Does the US government offer jobs to all immigrants? Why does the INS delay the processing and charge money to renew EAD and AP from so many I-485 filers?
As for persons who pay the agents - they are fools, you do not need an agent or a lawyer to suck the money out of you - the Canadian immigration is very simple, you can do it yourself.

5> You have to find a job by yourself.

Now what exactly does that mean? Don't you have to find a job by yourself in the US also? You can always go to a headhunter.

6> Taxes are WAY TOO HIGH! ( around 50% )

This is if you are single. They are legal ways to reduce your tax burden.

>I visit Canada atleast 2 times a year and find many qualified people working for tele-marketing, and in restaurants and opting for small time clerical jobs to survive.

I can show you qualified persons with 20+ years of experience who are jobless in the USA.
health care in US

this is a myth, that there is no health care for poor in US. there are thousand of community hospitals which do excellent health care services to anyone, u just walk in , even if one does not have a ssn , all they type in is 99999999 or something and everthing is taken care of for FREE, even the most expensive surgeries etc.

Canadian job market is badly screwed up, there are senior techies who sit for months before finally picking up any odd job and after getting disillusioned with that country
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Yeah Right..

Myth: The U.S. has the best health care system in the world.

Fact: The U.S. has among the worst health statistics of all rich nations.

* In spite of the rising health care costs that provide the illusion of improving health care, the American people do not enjoy good health, compared with their counterparts in the industrialized nations. Among thirteen countries including Japan, Sweden, France and Canada, the U.S. was ranked 12th, based on the measurement of 16 health indicators such as life expectancy, low-birth-weight averages and infant mortality. In another comparison reported by the World Health Organization that used a different set of health indicators, the U.S. also fared poorly with a ranking of 15 among 25 industrialized nations.

* According to data released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1997, America spends almost twice the percentage of GDP on healthcare than the average percentage spent by 29 other industrialized nations. The United States also spends more per capita on health care than any other country in the study. Yet when looking at health outcomes, the U.S. continues to have more people without health coverage, higher infant mortality rates and lower life expectancies than the average industrialized country in the OECD study. In fact, the U.S. consistently ranked in the bottom half of outcome measures and its ranking has been declining since 1960. Clearly the American consumer is getting less for their health dollar than citizens in most other developed nations, including Canada.
Dubai is worst place to work

GajarKaHalwa, your impression about Dubai is very wrong. I have been in Dubai for 4 years, and I will tell you that is worst place to work. If you have your own business, then that is different story.

In Dubai, an experienced IT professional can make max of $2000 per month. Less than 5% make more than that. You have to work 6 days a week.

You cannot buy property there, so you have to rent apartment all your life. The rent for decent 2 BR apartments is $1000. So you can guess, how much you can save.

There is no green card. You cannot invest in Stock market or Real Estate.

Local Arabs treat Asians very badly. Private medical is very costly. Public medical is free, but they treat you so badly. You will get better treatment in Govt Hospitals in India then in Dubai. Dubai govt train their Medical Students on Asian Patients.

Do I have to tell you more.
Worst of all, Canadian weather sucks big-time.

Also, why is dubai so bad for IT professionals. Are there any good places in Middle-East for IT professionals, in-terms of jobs and saving money.
Re: Dubai is worst place to work


My impression about Dubai is not wrong. I have lived and worked there for 5 years - 1992-1997. It is one of the best and safest cities to live and work in. The Jebel Ali free zone, where I worked for a British firm, is home to world class companies.

You forgot to mention that there is no income tax, no sales tax and no capital gains tax in Dubai. And I was not treated shabbily by the local Arabs there. They are very different than the ones in Kuwait (who can be real arrogant).

You can buy property now in Dubai. You get a residence visa for yourself and your dependents if you have property there. You can always invest in the stock market in Dubai by opening up an E*Trade account. And did I mention that you pay no capital gains tax?

The salaries for IT professionals there range from US$700 (if you are on a fake degree and are desperate to work for a company in Sharjah) to US$8000 per month (if you know how to market yourself). You also get yearly air-tickets for you and your dependents to go to your home country. Often, if you work for a good corporation, they will throw in car allowance and house allowance. Most multinationals there have 5 or 5 and a half working days.

>Dubai govt train their Medical Students on Asian Patients.
This is absolute nonsense. Do you have anything to back it up?

Dubai gave me lots of money, US gave me good experience and some money. Both have been good for me.
Dubai is supposedly the best place for outside professionals.. but then if it is even close to what gcasap says, then I can only dread imagining how the other Middle-East countries would be, and ofcourse working in Muslim countries have their own "HUGE" disadvantages..
I lived in dubai all my life. and let me tell you this. i consider self respect more important than anything else. Dubai is the lesser of all the middle-eastern evils. the other more "islamic" countries are much worse. And I have seen shit there you people have no idea of.
Indians built that country like all the other middle east countries. They are the ones who toiled to build a modern metropolitan city in the middle of the desert. And they along with all other foreigners get treated like second class citizens, except for the brits who fool the arabs pretty well. Indians do all the work and the brit who plays video games all day ( used to drive a cab in london) takes the credit AND the high pay. sure, you say, they got paid for it. to me that's not as important as my dignity and pride. (apparently no so for some offense but admit it...some southies will bend over and still keep smiling)
As a result I moved to India for a couple of years which was far better, then I moved to the US. Other than these 2 places, I would not live anywhere else. In the end there's always mera Bharat mahaan!

why it took u to live all ur life before this realization of self respect and moving back :)

Indians built that country like all the other middle east countries. They are the ones who toiled to build a modern metropolitan city in the middle of the desert.

I wonder why can't Indians do the same in India. Must be a reason.
And as for "self-respect" -

The moment you apply for GC, you lose your self respect - you become a dancing monkey, doing what the INS says. Standing in the queue in Newark early in the morning, waiting in the room for hours for the interview, fingerprinted like a criminal - lets not talk about self-respect. We Indians get so much respect here that the INS does not recognize birth certificates given by the Indian embassy!
I think you just have a huge hate for the Middle East and for Muslim nations, This is an Immigration Website, why in the F... you are writing this kind of comments. And not only that, you are going aroung talking bad about all countries, then you did mention that you moved to India, then came back to USA, why did you do that, I guess you did not get the respect that you need there either, so I guess the problem is not the country that you go to, it is you my friend. People like you are the reason why foriegners in general get treated bad, because once they cross the border to the states, they forget how bad they used to be treated in their own country and they start asking for too much and expect the States to treat them as Americans fast, you need to earn Respect to receive it. change you attitude, hate does not get you anywhere.


An Arabic/Muslim American.
haa Canada Inspirants !!!!

Yeah there are Kmart and Wallmart over there also so no problem for Indian Bogus IT laborers.

If U dont like USA get the fuck out of here dont need racist filth in this country let the white people rule it and we will keep U busy doing meanale jobs ...

:D :D :D
I would say somwhere deep down we ourselves are to blame for this lack of respect. We desis lack respect for each other.

The way the customs and immigration officials treat us in our own country is a case in point. When you land in the U.S there is a seperate Q for citizens and GC holders. When you go to India we are all made to stand in the same Q and to top it all the foreigners get preferential treatment. Isn't this reverse racial discrimination ? Custom official address whites as "Sir" whereas give us the same shitty treatment. You feel so pissed off when despite the long and tiring journey one is all excited about visiting desh but then you have to put up with these M...Fs.

In my opinion unless we develop self respect for each other we shouldn't expect it to come from others.
WHAT you just said is absolutly correct, and this is not the case only in India but in the middle east, we need to respect our selves first, we always should start by cleaning our own house before we can talk about the felth in some elses house. I second your comment, and hopfully the hater who started this thread can read your beautiful response.
